In the Kingdom's Name (Guardian of Scotland Book 2)

Free In the Kingdom's Name (Guardian of Scotland Book 2) by Amy Jarecki

Book: In the Kingdom's Name (Guardian of Scotland Book 2) by Amy Jarecki Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Jarecki
Eva headed to her chamber to dress for the evening meal. Now they were no longer living in a cave, she’d fallen right in to living the comfortable life of a highborn woman. William had even appointed her with a chambermaid, Madeline, who greeted Eva as soon as she stepped inside. “How was the riding, Miss Eva?”
    The words “awesome” and “brilliant” came to the tip of her tongue, but Eva knew better. “Quite invigorating.” She twirled inside and tossed her circlet on the bed. “Do you ride?”
    “Och, whenever there’s a need, I suppose.” The chambermaid strode to the bed and picked up Eva’s discarded headpiece. “I dunna travel overmuch.”
    Eva combed her fingers through her growing red hair, though it was still too short for a medieval lady. “Were you born here?”
    “Aye, and my parents as well.” Madeline gestured to the walls. “Everything we need is right here in Haddington.”
    “Have you ever been to Edinburgh or a city?”
    “Oh no.” Madeline stepped into the garderobe and retrieved a blue gown.
    Eva untied the front lace of her kirtle. “Would you like to go sometime?”
    “Never really thought about it.” The chambermaid stopped and looked down with a furrow to her brow. “Wouldna it be dangerous?”
    “Perhaps not if traveling to Edinburgh when riding with a fortified garrison. And riding a horse, it wouldn’t take long. If you left at dawn you’d be there in time to take your nooning.” Goodness, Eva had improved at communicating in Auld Scots. Professor Tennant, the archaeologist who’d given her the medallion, would be impressed.
    Madeline drew a hand to her chest. “No longer than that? I never realized we were so close.”
    “Would you like to see the city?” Eva shrugged out of her kirtle and let it drop to the floor. It always felt as if she could float after removing the heavy woolen day gown and shaking out her shift.
    “Oh no, I couldna leave Dirleton.” She skittered backward as if terrified of the idea.
    “I suppose you’d need an adventuresome spirit.” With a sigh, Eva tapped her fingers to her lips. “There’s far more to life than what lies in this castle.”
    “Mayhap to ye. Ye’re William Wallace’s woman, and ye’ve traveled all of Christendom. But the mere thought of venturing away from my home scares me to my verra bones. What of outlaws and tinkers and all manner of ill-reputed folk the father preaches about during Sunday mass?”
    “Yes, the world can be a dangerous place, though I doubt it is as bad as the priest makes it out to be—especially if you have a proper escort.” Eva rolled her eyes to the ceiling. Recently, she’d been giving too much advice. Servants didn’t just pick up and take a day trip to a big city. A stroll into the village of Haddington would have been a major deal to Madeline.
    “Och, ye dunna need to be filling my head with fanciful dreams of travel. I’m a servant’s daughter. No use dreaming where I’ve no business sticking my nose.”
    Dumbfounded, Eva stared at the wall for a moment. My, how different their lives are. A servant who refused to allow herself to dream about traveling twenty miles?
    The door creaked open and William poked his head inside. “Do ye have a moment?”
    Madeline darted in front of Eva and held up the gown to cover her as if she were naked and not wearing a shift tied at the neck, draping all the way to her toes. “I’ll have Miss Eva presentable in no time.”
    He craned his neck, peering around the tiny chambermaid. “Verra well. I shall wait in the passageway, then.”
    “For crying out loud.” Eva marched to the garderobe and donned a dressing gown. Was she the only person at Dirleton Castle who didn’t see a need to pretend she and William weren’t sleeping together? “Please excuse us, Madeline.”
    Holding out the gown the chambermaid shook her head defiantly. “But—”
    “Just leave it. I’m sure I can manage this once.”
    “Aye, miss.” After carefully

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