The Marshal's Little Girl

Free The Marshal's Little Girl by Ava Sinclair

Book: The Marshal's Little Girl by Ava Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Sinclair
pleading, tearful eyes to Gage. “Pllllleeeassse, papa!”
    “Are you ready to behave, Billy?”
    “Y-y-yes!!” Billy wailed the word as she unsuccessfully tried to simultaneously kick and close her legs. The clit whipping had given her a whole new respect for what Gage was willing to do to make her mind, and the secret place between her legs pulsed with a combination of need and hurt.
    “Wetter than ever,” the doctor laughed. “Let’s get this medicine into her.”
    Nurse Ida unstrapped her legs and this time, Billy didn’t resist when she was flipped over on her belly. She sniffled pitifully as she watched the doctor unfurl the rubber tube and guide the nozzle toward her bottom. She didn’t feel any less afraid as he generously lubricated the tip.
    It wasn’t the nozzle she feared, but what would come next. The bag was bulging. Was everything in that bag really going to be flushed into her bottom? It seemed impossible, and her heart began to pound as the nozzle was pushed into her bottom hole. It burned as it entered.
    “You’re going to feel some pressure and a warm rush of liquid, Billy,” the doctor said. “I want you to hold still, even when the cramping starts. No one is going to let you embarrass yourself. You can hold more in your tummy than you imagine, and when it all comes out in the water closet, you’ll feel so much better.”
    Before she could respond, there was a click and she did indeed feel a warm surge enter her bottom. It was an odd sensation, and not uncomfortable for the initial moments. But then—as the doctor had warned—the pressure began to build. Billy’s stomach started to swell under her like a balloon and spasms began to ripple through her gut.
    “I have to goooo!” She began to writhe on the table.
    “None of that,” the doctor said, smacking her on the bottom with his gloved hand. She yipped more from the shock of another man correcting her than from the pain, and turned pleading eyes to Gage. But he seemed unmoved by her predicament.
    “I think to be on the safe side, she should be plugged. Do you want to do the honors?” Dr. Adler handed Gage a plug and Billy had no choice but to lie there quivering from the cramps overtaking her as the rugged U.S. marshal inserted the thing into her bottom.
    It seemed to take forever before she was helped down and walked on shaky legs to the water closet by Nurse Ida, who bent her forward and removed the plug before leaving her alone.
    Afterwards, she felt weak and tired and didn’t even resist as Nurse Ida wiped down her bottom and thighs with a wet cloth. Gage didn’t bother to put her back into her clothes. Instead he wrapped her in a sheet and followed Nurse Ida up to the room that would be their home for as long as they wanted.
    Had she been less exhausted, Billy would have thrilled at the accommodations. The room had large windows that overlooked the prairie and distant mountains beyond. A canopied bed sat against one wall, with a trunk at the foot. A huge, ornately carved wardrobe sat against the other wall along with a Cheval mirror and a washstand. There was no separate washroom, but there was a privacy screen with a tub behind it. It was already filled with warm water, and Gage gently bathed her and put her to bed.
    And Billy, feeling very empty, but also very clean and satisfied, drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter Eleven
    Billy woke up feeling amazingly well rested and energetic. Even Gage noticed that her color was better, and that she seemed less fussy and more relaxed. A housemaid knocked on the door with a breakfast tray—steel-cut oatmeal, strawberries and cream, coffee for Gage and milk for Billy—and set the tray on a small table in the corner of the room. The nurse explained that coffee did not sit well with a little’s constitution.
    “Doctor knows best,” Gage said when Billy scowled. But she did not object, at least not until the maid put a cap on the cup fitted with a wide rubber

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