Dominque (Knights to Remember)

Free Dominque (Knights to Remember) by Nicole Colville

Book: Dominque (Knights to Remember) by Nicole Colville Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Colville
quite obvious he was naturally submissive, and the fact he knelt when he was stressed intrigued Jacob into wondering if he’d practised BDSM with other clients. It could be a game, one he learned to please, but it could be more. Surely those would be listed on his profile.
    Eventually, he picked up the phone and waited for the agency to answer. The same woman he spoke to before picked up and remembered him. It was an instant recollection which surprised Jacob as he was positive she must speak to many men and wondered why he stuck out in her mind. “I was enquiring about Dominque.”
    “Dominque?” There was a pause, then a rushed intake of air. “Dominque, is it?”
    “Well…” Jacob paused. “He used Alasdair. That’s what you may have listed.”
    “Yes, I'm aware of who you're talking about. How may I help you, Mr Buchanan?”
    “I was considering booking him again.”
    She huffed and it made him pull the phone from his ear and look at the number, almost questioning she really worked there. “There was a mistake with the last booking. You chose Harry, is it him you’d like to book?”
    “I just said who I wanted, woman.”
    “Oh, so you want him? Interesting.”
    Jacob paused, sucking in a sharp lungful of air. “You're incredibly rude.”
    “It’s allowed. You were rude to our star escort.”
    “Oh really?” Jacob smiled despite his bad mood. “Look, lass, I’d like to learn a little more about him.”
    “Like his shoe size or his favourite film?”
    Jacob tapped his fingers on the table and listened to her sigh.
    “This works better if you tell me what you’d like, and then I pair you up with a suitable escort.”
    “How about you list Dominque’s dos and don’ts and I see if I want him or another?”
    There would be no other, but it got her moving.
    “There’s very little he doesn’t do. Unless it’s something more exotic you're looking for.”
    “Now, by… exotic … what do you mean?”
    “Sir, perhaps if you could tell me what you want, this could move along quicker.”
    “Fine! To be blunt, I want to strap him to the bed and flog him before I fuck him hard and make him belong to me. Exotic enough or not?”
    There was a moment of absolute silence, but it couldn't be shock, surely she’d heard worse? “Dominque isn't the one for you.” Her voice was quiet, almost shaking. “I won't book him. Not for you. Not again.” Then the phone went dead.
    “What the fuck?” Jacob spoke aloud, standing up and pacing around the room. He redialled, getting the same woman. “Look, I wanted to know if it was a possibility. Obviously not, so let’s move on, shall we?” She tried to stop him, but he tutted at her then continued. “I want to book him for dinner, nothing more. It wouldn’t be alone if that makes you feel any better.”
    “This weekend?”
    “Saturday evening.”
    She laughed loudly and Jacob could almost imagine the tears streaming down her face. “Honey, you were lucky to get him last time. Dominque’s booked up for months in advance. I told you, you probably underestimated what I meant, but he’s our star escort. The most popular. The one everyone wants.” She sighed heavily. “He’s cutting down his hours too, so it’s even harder to get him for you. I have similar—”
    “No!” Panic rose in him. He had to get Dominque. Allan and Bettina wouldn’t take kindly to him turning up with someone else when they were expecting Dominque. “It has to be him. I could rearrange the date.”
    “It really would be a long time. I’ll have to double check with him personally.”
    “Could you please let him know Bettina is eager to meet him again? She’s been…” Jacob sighed.
    “Oh, her.” The woman laughed. “Oh, I've heard all about her. She stalking you too?”
    “Is she bothering Dominque? I can speak to her.”
    “No-no, sugar. He likes her. Gets to speak his native language. It’s just… you know. You and him…” She sighed. “You didn’t want him.

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