Where the Streets have no Name

Free Where the Streets have no Name by Danielle Taylor

Book: Where the Streets have no Name by Danielle Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Taylor
of ‘yes Mam’ but the thought was just too damned painful to bear. Instead, Daniel took her hand as she went to remove it, clutched it between both of his, and brought her palm back to his lips. He planted a kiss in the centre of her sensitive palm. Soft. Slid his lips over the skin. Teasing.
    Her face turned the deepe st shade of crimson. Totally worth it.
    Embarrassment fit her well , just like she suited those flannel pajamas she wore each night, with little sheep on them. Funny how something that would be so innocuous on anyone else turned him to putty when it came to Amelia.
    Finished with their meals, Daniel helped Amelia back to the car before seeing to the rubbish. He was stiff from being stuck in her tiny rental and suffering the after-effects of overindulging in the whisky. What he wanted most he couldn’t ask for and what he needed, he wouldn’t get. He had no right to ask Amelia for a long soak in a bath and he didn’t dare consider asking her to give in to the attraction between them.

    The inn they stopped at for the night had two rooms. Amelia handed over her credit card to pay for them. She spent money like it was water dripping through her fingers and knew she had copious amounts in reserve. Driving he r around the island didn’t feel good enough for the generosity and kindness she showed him since their meeting.
    Daniel cringed at the memory. He acted an utter arse to her when she showed him naught but kindness. Well no matter. From here on in he’d treat her exactly how she deserved.
    A crabby, middle aged brunette took their luggage up the narrow flight of stairs. Daniel helped Amelia up, taking care not to rush her. The feel of her body pressing against his burned through clothing and his soul clawed at the surface, desperate to consume her.
    “There we are, right ‘cross the hall from one another, should you be needin’ any help. Calls between rooms are free, as are local calls, but if you’re wantin’ to ring home, lass, we’ll have to charge you for it .” The woman scowled.
    “Don’t worry,” Amelia said with a gracious and genuine smile. “I have a cell phone I use for that. And of course I’d pay for any calls I made on your line.” Her smile widened, crinkling the corners of her eyes.
    Damn but she was sweet to even the most hateful old goats.
    “Well. Supper in the pub. Startin’ at six. Gives you ‘bout an hour. Last orders taken at eight thirty and no later.” She turned on her heels and stomped back down the steps.
    Amelia shoved a hand to her mouth, stifling her laughter. “Poppa would have said she’s got bees in her knickers,” she said through fits of giggling.
    Daniel’s eyes shot wide. “Is that so? Not in her bonnet?”
    “Nope.” Amelia looked up, meeting his gaze. “Bees in someone’s underwear would definitely make them grumpier than bees in their hat. A hat you can take off in public!”
    Deep, growling laughter bubbled from his gut. “Right. You’re right there. Now, let’s get you settled before we have to get down and have our supper. I’d prefer not to be down there late. She might disintegrate me with her evil glare.” He gave a shudder. “The woman terrifies me.”
    “Me too!” Amelia laughed harder and turned the key in her door.
    Daniel left her in her room, resting on the bed, suitcase up on the rack and open so she could easily find clothing to change if she needed or wanted it. In his room, he jumped in the shower. A cold one. Frigid water did nothing to the need clawing at him.
    Jaysus, he wasn’t like a bloody teenaged lad…he was worse. All the testosterone of a man with the horny desires of a lad.
    Get your goddamned head together, Daniel.
    Too bad telling himself that didn’t work.
    A few minutes prior to six, Daniel helped Amelia down the stairs. By the time they got into the pub, the hour of six had come. They dined in relative silence; those around them spoke amongst themselves, and a telly showing a footy game

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