Found in You
how I’d felt, how desperate I’d been for Paul to be in my life. “I couldn’t let him go. I thought…” My voice trailed off at the memory. “I don’t know what I thought.”
    Hudson turned so that his back was against the headboard. “Yes, you do. Tell me.”
    I sat back next to him, stretching my legs out in front of me. “I thought he was my soul mate. That I was meant to be with him or something. Before I even actually talked to him. I know. Crazy. It was crazy.” I stared at my toes. “I was crazy.”
    “No, you weren’t. You only wanted to be loved.”
    Hudson’s rich brandy tone pulled my eyes to his. “Yes,” I said, meaning so much more than yes, I wanted to be loved . Meaning yes, we understand each other, yes, we get it .
    Yes, we weren’t crazy or sociopaths or horrible people. We only wanted to be loved.
    “Anyway,” I smoothed my hair behind my ear, “I didn’t have a job. I was living off my inheritance, which is gone now, and so I had plenty of time to wait outside his apartment and follow him to work. Every day. For months. Two? Three? I don’t remember exactly. One day, I told the security guard he was my boyfriend. I convinced him to let me in his office during lunch. When Paul came back, I was waiting for him.” I lowered my lids. “Naked.”
    Hudson’s eye twitched again.
    “He turned me away, H. Called security before I had a chance to even throw some clothes on.” My throat closed at the humiliating memory. “He filed the restraining order after that.”
    I studied his face, trying to pick up on the slightest change in his expression, hoping to pick up on his thoughts. But I came up with nothing. His features were stone.
    Would he ever let me in?
    Hudson brought his index finger up to his face and rubbed the tip along his chin. “But that’s not all, is it? Your record says you violated the order.”
    I felt my face flush. “I, um, I did.” God, talking about it was embarrassing. Even thinking it made me want to crawl in a hole. Of the stupid, idiotic, insane things I’d done, this had been one of the worst. “I became friends with Melissa.”
    He nodded once, immediately understanding. “His fiancée.”
    “Yeah. I joined her Pilates class and became buddy-buddy with her. So she started inviting me out with her and her friends. Eventually I ended up at a party that Paul was at too. He was livid. And he had to decide if he wanted to ignore it or report me. If he reported me, Melissa would find out about the one-night. I wouldn’t leave things alone, so he reported it. And she broke things off.”
    “He deserved that.”
    “Maybe.” I wasn’t so sure. Yes, he’d cheated on his fiancée, but that didn’t make up for my role in things.
    “He deserved worse in my book.” Though Hudson was guarding his reaction to my story, his casual crumbs of support in my favor helped put me at ease. “And Paul’s the only one this happened with?”
    No. Not even close. “He was the only one who went to the police.”
    “I see.” Hudson was quiet for a handful of seconds, absorbing. Finally, he furrowed his brow, and looked me eye-to-eye. “Why would you think that this would change how I feel about you?”
    “Are you kidding? Aren’t you worried I’ll become that hung up on you?”
    “I’m hoping you become that hung up on me.” He draped his arm around my shoulder. “Paul was a fucking asshole who didn’t realize what he had in front of him. I do. Get hung up on me.”
    “I am hung up on you!” I turned to kiss his shoulder. “But careful what you wish for. If I go crazy on you, you’ll want me gone.”
    He turned his cheek to nuzzle against the top of my head. “I’d never drive you away. Not on purpose.”
    It was sweet—being held and told that I was wanted. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
    Yet, I still felt Hudson didn’t understand the severity of the things I’d done.
    I sat forward and turned my entire body to face him, pulling my legs

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