Call It Destiny

Free Call It Destiny by Jayne Ann Krentz

Book: Call It Destiny by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
of cognac caught his brooding eye and he reached for it, taking a healthy swallow while Heather quickly adjusted her clothing. Grimly he let the fire of fine brandy fight the fire of unsatisfied desire, curious in an almost detached way to see which element would win the battle.  
    „I’d better be on my way.“ Heather finished adjusting her dress and got to her feet. The sweep of her sleek, bluntly cut hair swung forward to shield her expression for a few critical seconds. By the time the bronzed locks were back behind her ears, her face was composed and calm. Only the remnants of passion flared now in her steady gaze.  
    „I’ll walk you back to your cottage.“
    „That’s not necessary. The security guards will be making their rounds and heaven knows we don’t get much crime out here,“ she reminded him with a determined breeziness. She ran her fingers lightly through her hair and started for the door. „I’ll see you for breakfast in the morning, Jake. Mom and dad will want to rehash the party and I’m sure they’ll want you to join us.“
    „I’ll walk you back to your place, Heather.“ Jake got to his feet, reaching the door ahead of her and taking her wrist tightly between the fingers of his right hand. If she could recover so quickly; so could he. Even if it almost killed him! „I wouldn’t want you to think I’m not a complete gentleman.“  
    „The thought never crossed my mind,“ she assured him too blandly.
    He walked her down the path through the gardens in silence and left her at her door just as she wished. He stood quietly in the shadows as she smiled good-night and stepped inside. Instead of leaving he waited a few seconds longer until he heard the click of the bolt being locked into place.  
    Was she double-locking the door on general principles or against him specifically?
    One more week.
    As he turned away it occurred to Jake that a part of him hoped she had slid that bolt in place out of some primitive caution toward him. He wanted her to think about him tonight; to remember the passion that had sparked between them. He didn’t want her climbing into bed and drifting off to sleep on a cloud of anticipation about taking over the running of Hacienda Strand.
    If she had locked her door against him it might mean she would not be able to get him out of her mind tonight.
    In another week he would be her husband and in a position to make certain he was the last thing on her mind every night.

    „You know you were absolutely right about that dress last night,“ Ruth Strand told her daughter approvingly the next morning on the terrace as they waited for Paul and Jake to join them for breakfast. „I had my doubts at first but it struck just the right note. It was sophisticated and eye-catching and you wore it with perfect self-confidence. The only one I know who apparently objected was Jake.“  
    „Jake? He didn’t say anything about it.“ Heather tilted a curious eyebrow. The memory of how he’d had that beautiful silk dress crumpled around her waist flashed through her head yet again. His lovemaking had been the last thing on her mind before she’d gone to sleep, and the lush unnerving image of herself, half-naked and responding to Jake’s touch, had kept her awake for a long while. A part of her had been stunned to discover that she was capable of such aching passion. It was deeply disturbing this morning to remember how close to surrender she had been last night. She wondered uneasily if Jake had been aware of the fragile control she’d had on herself.  
    Ruth was chuckling as she poured coffee. „I understand from Paul that he made some comment about having you give it to the Salvation Army.“
    „Fortunately Jake had enough sense not to make the same remark to me,“ Heather said dryly. Grimly she pushed the disquieting memories of the previous evening out of her head. She was back in charge of herself this morning.
    „I’m not surprised he kept his mouth

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