
    S WEATING, HEART RACING , I’m outside the dome, surrounded by Shredders. They’ve got me. I struggle to get free but someone grips my shoulder.
    “Hey,” a familiar voice says. “You’re dreaming.”
    I blink as light fills the space. The anxiety of last night’s escape from the Comps and my meeting with Burn must have impacted my dreams. But I’m safe in our room. It was Drake’s hand on my shoulder. His shirt’s off and a cup of water and a cloth sit beside him. He’s been washing.
    As the puzzle pieces fall together, I keep my gaze on his forehead and will my heart rate to slow.
    “Are you okay?” he asks, concern in his voice. “I was asleep when you came in last night.”
    “I’m fine.” I look down and wince. My ankle is purple and swollen, and my scraped knees and hands left blood marks on my blanket. Those won’t come out even if I wash them today, and I can’t. I’m due in GT.
    “You missed curfew.” Drake reaches for his shirt.
    “So?” I turn my ankle in small circles, trying to block out the pain and stifle the emotions brought on by my dream.
    “Don’t take crazy chances, Glory.”
    Anger rises up and my glare locks on his. Instantly, his armor appears like scales of iron covering his torso. Ashamed, I look down.
    He drags himself back onto his mattress and turns from me, crossing his arms over his chest. “No need to hurt me.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    He spins around. “Sorry’s not good enough. You need to learn to control that.”
    I leap to my feet, holding back a cry as my ankle protests. “Like you know how to control your Deviance?”
    He squares his jaw. “I didn’t just try to hurt you.”
    Guilt rises in my throat. “I’m sorry. You know I’d never hurt you. Let’s drop it, okay?”
    He nods and someone knocks. It’s probably just Jayma, but what if it’s Burn? It might be too late to move Drake.
    “Who’s there?” I ask.
    “Glory.” It’s Cal. “Open the door.”
    I spin around but Drake is already pulling on his long-sleeved shirt, even though his armor has disappeared. He pulls his blanket over his legs, arranging them to look natural.
    “Just a minute.” I pat down my hair, and then scold myself. Who cares about my hair?
    “Turn out the light,” I whisper to Drake. When he does, I limp, taking short breaths, and then open the door a crack. Cal’s leaning at the door’s side, his shirt tight against his arm muscles. He moves to enter but I put my hand on his chest and push back, sliding out the small opening and into the hall.
    “Hi.” His voice is deep and husky, and the sound of itsends a thrill through me. I can’t believe I want him to kiss me again under these circumstances.
    “Why are you here?” I ask.
    Hurt and shock flash in his eyes.
    “Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that I need to leave for GT.”
    “You’ve got a few minutes. I need to tell you something.” He glances around. “Let’s go inside.”
    I shake my head.
    His lips twist and then he says, “Come to my place then.” He takes my hand and pulls me forward. “What happened to your ankle?” He stops. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go home alone last night. Now that we’re dating, it’s my responsibility to keep you safe. I failed.”
    “I hurt it after I got home.” I’m shocked at how easily I’m able to lie to Cal. It’s not right.
    Bending, he pulls my arm up and over his shoulder, and then wraps his hand around my waist. I have to admit it’s easier to walk with his support, even though it means we need to walk sideways.
    After we turn into the next corridor, we run into Jayma, her sleeve pushed up, no doubt to make her new bracelet more prominent. Happiness radiates from her face. “Ready for GT?” She cocks her head to the side. “Aren’t you working today, Cal?”
    “Day off,” he says. “And Glory might be a few minutes late for GT. Tell your instructor—” He pauses. “Don’t tell her

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