In My Arms Tonight

Free In My Arms Tonight by Bailey Bradford

Book: In My Arms Tonight by Bailey Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bailey Bradford
Tags: General Fiction
been quick enough to save the other three women the sick fuck had killed before then, but at least he’d got to Maria in time, and the man who’d intended to rape and torture her to death had ended up dead before he could go to trial. Seemed he’d pissed off the wrong person behind bars.
    Glenn was yanked from his musings by a rapid pounding on his door that, strangely enough, matched the pounding in his head. He cursed loud enough, he hoped, to be heard over the thumping as he got up, then immediately felt bad for being such a grumpy asshole.
    All the people he’d met over the last few days had been nice. It seemed like Josh had made it his personal goal to make Glenn feel welcome. Actually, Glenn got the distinct impression Josh, or more likely, Chase and Xavier, working through their friends, wanted him to hang around. Not that either Chase or Xavier wouldn’t just say so, but he also wouldn’t put it past them to try to show him he’d be welcome here. He could always call and ask them, but he didn’t think he was ready to speak to them yet. Not when he felt like someone had ripped him open and poured acid on his insides.
    Bailey Bradford
    “Melodramatic idiot,” Glenn mumbled, wondering when he’d become so, well, melodramatic. Forcing his thoughts in a less painful direction, he tried to guess who would be at the door. Josh had introduced him to his partner Nick, and Rory and Chance, Max and Bo, and Adam and his lovely mother Charlene, who made the best cookies Glenn had ever tasted. Adam’s partner had been working, but Glenn had heard enough stories about the man that he thought he knew exactly who was on the other side of the door when he looked through the peephole.
    Except the smaller man with the mountain of a cop sure wasn’t Adam. Glenn squinted through the peephole as he examined what he could of the little guy. There was something familiar about him, and despite having just woke up and feeling like he’d been walloped with a sledge hammer, Glenn’s brain was working just fine. He unlocked the door and pulled it open almost as quickly as he reached out and grabbed the smaller man by the collar.
    “What are you doing here?” Glenn growled, ignoring the cop as he thumped the private investigator up against the wall a little rougher than he’d intended. Normally Glenn thought first, considered every side, every possible outcome, then reacted. But he hadn’t done that with James, and he certainly wasn’t doing it now as he glared down at the obviously frightened man before him.
    “Calm down,” the cop ordered in a deep rumbling voice. “I caught him parked outside watching your room. He’s been there for about ten hours or so as far as I know.
    Figured he could just come on in and introduce himself.”
    Glenn didn’t need an introduction. “Did you tell James’ parents where I am?”
    The PI blinked slowly, in a way that sent a shiver of foreboding down Glenn’s spine.
    The man didn’t seem the least bit intimidated. In fact, there was a look in his eyes that implied he was amused, at the very least, by Glenn’s manhandling. “Haven’t told them anything since I haven’t seen their son,” the man drawled.
    Glenn’s temper ratcheted up at the man’s casual tone. He leaned in until he was practically pressed against the smaller man.
    “You don’t see him here, do you?” Glenn pointed out. “So you can go back and tell Mr and Mrs Stratton that you have once again lost—” Glenn stopped, shocked by something hard and growing longer and fuller against his thigh. “What the—” Glenn moved back enough so that he could glance between them, because surely he was wrong. That couldn’t
    Bailey Bradford
    be… Shocked at the erection he saw tenting the PI’s trousers, Glenn gaped at the man.
    “Hey!” He released the PI and jumped back, slamming into the big cop behind him

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