Vivid Temptation (Touched By You)

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Book: Vivid Temptation (Touched By You) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
was handsome and I fell for him hard. And I know he loved me, at least for a while. It was wonderful then. That’s something I’ll always have…that memory.
    “ That was the man I loved and never stopped loving. Not the man he became. Oh, I know he was a womanizer and a bum, I guess. But when we were in love, there was hope. It didn’t work out, but that never changed how I felt.
    “And I had you girls. You and Jazzy mean everything to me. It was all worth it. I’m blessed in so many ways, and now I have a grandson to love. I could never find it in my heart to hate your father.”
    “Did he contact you when he came to New York?” Natalie wondered, since she’d told him not to contact the family in that first meeting.
    “No, he didn’t. I found out where he was staying and went by. I just th ought after all this time, well…I didn’t want to leave things unfinished.”
    “What did you talk about?” Natalie knew she was prying but she wanted to know. She loved her mother and it amazed her that Emma knew about Nicolas but had never mentioned it.
    “We talked about the fun we had when we were young together. And I told him it was okay. I forgave him. And I have, honey. I forgive him. And I’m so sorry about his accident, sorry to hear he’s gone. And more than that, sorry that life didn’t turn out for him as he’d hoped. Sometimes we all do things, make decisions that later we wish we hadn’t. For Nicolas, it was just too late by the time he realized it.”
    Natalie hugged her mother, tears streaming down her cheeks. There was nothing to say. It was such a sad story, her mother’s love for her father. “I love you, Mom. You have no idea how much I love you.”

18 – Wedding Anniversary
    The Ritz-Carlton Montréal in the social center of the city, close to high-end boutiques and galleries, had style and refinement. The elegant hotel attracted celebrities, business travelers, and even heads of state; it was perfect for a celebration.
    Natalie was thrilled to visit the French-speaking city for their wedding anniversary. They’d been married a year, and a wonderful one it had been. The joyful occasion of their first anniversary was special. They flew the short distance in the private jet, and Tanner had the pilot sweep low over the College of Valleyfield. In front of the college buildings was a huge waterfall with waters crashing over the side; it was wide and the fall was deep, making the sight very dramatic.
    The Ritz had the largest luxury suite in the city, and Tanner reserved it. There was a magnificent garden and amazing floral arrangements throughout the hotel. Natalie’s favorite feature was the heated marble flooring in the master bathroom. Upon arrival, a gold box was delivered to the room. It contained two dozen red roses with a note in Tanner’s handwriting:
    To my amazing wife, Happy Anniversary
    Natalie was choked up at the gesture, and hugged Tanner until he could barely breathe.
    “I’m glad you like them, baby.”
    “I love them.” It was going to be a wonderful weekend, one that neither of them would ever forget—Natalie was sure of that.
    Late spring in the Canadian province of Quebec was a lovely time of year with pleasant temperatures, so they were able to go outdoors. Tanner hired a limo service to escort them around. During the day they walked around old Montréal, rich in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century old world charm. Once a fortified city, it was now a vibrant area of hotels, boutiques, and restaurants.
    Later they drove to Mount Royal Park to enjoy the wooded area at the top and admire the view. The same designer had created Central Park in NYC. There was a small manmade lake, walking paths, and a sculpture garden. At one of the lookout points, Tanner stood behind Natalie with his arms around her. They looked down on the lush park and the city below. The afternoon sun cast an orange glow over the buildings, making the scene like something out of a fantasy.

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