Vivid Temptation (Touched By You)

Free Vivid Temptation (Touched By You) by Emily Jane Trent

Book: Vivid Temptation (Touched By You) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
fill out some paperwork. Your father was in no shape to do so.”
    “Is it serious? What’s wrong with him?”
    “He was transported by ambulance. The paramedics said a neighbor found him and called. It appears he fell down the stairs at his apartment and hit his head. He’s been in and out of consciousness.”
    “Will he be okay?”
    “That I don’t know. I should have the tests results back in a few minutes. My concern is that there might be bleeding in the brain. It’s hard to tell at this point.”
    “Can I see him please?”
    “Only for a minute. I don’t want him disturbed. We have him calm, and this may require emergency surgery.”
    “Just for a minute. I just want to let him know he’s not alone.”
    The doctor gave his approval and Natalie went swiftly to her father’s room, afraid she’d be too late. There he was in the white-sheeted bed, looking as white as the walls around him. In the hospital environment, he looked small, forlorn. It wrenched her heart; it would to see anyone like that.
    Quietly, she stepped over to the bed and Nicolas opened his eyes. “Father,” she said. “I’m here.”
    At first there was no reaction, and Natalie wasn’t sure he recognized her. She touched his shoulder. “The doctor is taking good care of you. Don’t worry about anything.”
    “Thank you,” he said in a tiny whisper, his lips moving in a labored fashion. He opened his mouth as if to say more, but no words came at first.
    Natalie reached down to take his hand. Her father, who had been missing most of her life, had finally appeared. It hadn’t been an emotional reunion, but deep inside she thought it was possible to have some sort of relationship with him. He seemed so sad, and whatever damage he’d done was over. Guilt and remorse did no good.
    A tiny gasp of air came out before his words could be heard. Natalie leaned closer so as not to miss what he said. “Your mother and I made peace with each other. Everything’s okay.” She thought she saw the hint of a smile, and then his eyes closed. Watching to his chest rise and fall to make sure he was still breathing, Natalie was relieved to know he was still alive, though passed out.
    She left the room, unsure of the meaning of his words. Had he seen Emma? Recently? How could that be? Natalie sank into a chair in the waiting lounge and stared into space, seeing nothing. Hurry , she thought . Help him .

17 – Final Words
    How much time went by, Natalie didn’t know. Life seemed held in abeyance; only her father’s condition was important. Looking up, she saw Tanner stride over to her. She stood and he wrapped his arms around her.
    “How is he?”
    “I’m not sure. He hit his head. The doctor has to see the test results before he knows the extent of the injury. He might have to do surgery.”
    “I got here as fast as I could. When did you talk to the doctor?”
    Natalie felt dazed. “I’m not sure. A while ago.”
    “Maybe I should try to find out something.” But Tanner didn’t release her, and Natalie was so glad to have him there.
    The doctor stepped through the swinging door, his expression serious. Natalie and Tanner looked up expectantly. “I’m sorry.”
    That was all he said, and Natalie wasn’t sure what he meant. Was he sorry her father fell? Sorry he took so long to come back? Then the impact of his words pierced through her numbness and she felt tears spilling down her cheeks. Tanner squeezed her tighter.
    “Your father passed away. From what I could see in the films, it was too late by the time he got here. I don’t know how long it was before the neighbor saw him. He could have been injured long before the ambulance arrived.”
    All Natalie heard was “your father passed away.” No , she thought, no . The sound of her sobs surprised her, like someone else was crying and she was far away.
    “When you are able, please stop at the desk. He was unable to give us any i nformation,” he said to Tanner.
    Tanner nodded. He

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