When Angels Fall

Free When Angels Fall by Meagan McKinney

Book: When Angels Fall by Meagan McKinney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meagan McKinney
Tags: Fiction
Ivan’s hand immediately went to his left cheek. He lowered it, and slowly he answered, “I got it in a fight.”
    “Did you win?” George asked.
    “That hasn’t been determined yet” was the only answer Ivan supplied before nodding his head toward the path back to town.


    George’s schoolteacher seemed truly concerned when she told Lissa the news later that week. “Miss Alcester, the entire situation is really quite puzzling. More tea?” The elderly widow held out the pot.
    “No, thank you.” Lissa covered her cup with her gloved hand. “However, I am curious as to why you asked me here.” She looked around at George’s classroom. The children were already gone for the day. Empty, the room smelled only of chalk and lavender—lavender water being Miss Musgrave’s favorite fragrance.
    “I really don’t know what’s been going on.” Thewidow indulged in another cup, then put the teapot back on the iron coal stove. “You see, George has been skipping school.”
    Lissa’s hand tightened around her teacup. She had suspected as much, but now she wished fervently it wasn’t true. How could George go to Cambridge as their father had if he was missing school? Without pondering the financial improbability of that thought, she became angry. George had lied to her! She’d known something was going on; she’d known it for weeks. But every time she’d questioned him about it, he had never indicated it was this bad. Now he was being truant. That little shameless liar had even told her what they’d been studying in school. Africa indeed!
    Hearing Miss Musgrave’s embarrassed cough, Lissa once more gave her her attention. The schoolteacher hesitantly continued, “I think the problem is, of course, that George is teased about your . . . situation.” The widow gave her a knowing, sympathetic look. “And because of this I’m afraid to admit that I’ve been hard-pressed to punish the lad. I almost don’t blame little George for wanting to skip class.
    “However”—the widow straightened—“we both know the boy must keep up. A brighter boy I’ve yet to meet. It won’t do for him to turn into a hooligan—and that’s just what boys become when they miss school; they become hooligans.”
    “He won’t miss class any more, I promise,” Lissa said. Already she was pondering his punishment.
    “Oh, I know he won’t. And that’s what’s so terribly odd about this situation.” Miss Musgrave took a tiny sip of tea. “You see, several weeks ago, he was missing school almost every day, then Tuesday he returned just after the dinner hour and hasn’t missed a minute since.” The widow smiled sheepishly. “You see, Miss Alcester, I would have informed you earlier about all this; however, for some reason I was led to believe that George was home helping you take care of your sister, Evelyn Grace.”
    “What made you think that?” Lissa asked.
    “Well, that’s what the little hooligan told me! He said he was helping you with Evelyn, and I didn’t want to press him for details for fear that your sister was terribly ill. But then, imagine my shock, Miss Alcester, when Mrs. Bishop told me today that Evelyn has been in the Mercantile nearly every day this week! I was absolutely astounded. That’s hooliganism for you!” Miss Musgrave lowered her voice. “We must stop it now, Miss Alcester. We cannot delay. For George’s sake.”
    Lissa stood determinedly. The lies had gone far enough. “He won’t miss another day. I shall see to it myself.”
    “But I still wonder what made him decide to come back on his own, don’t you? I suspected you had talked to him, but I see now—”
    “He probably imagined what a fury I would be in if I found out.” Lissa’s cheeks reddened with anger. How could George have done this to her? And worse, how would she punish him for it, when she understood better than anyone his reasons for not wanting to attend school? She clutched her silk purse in her hand and

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