Seeking Justice

Free Seeking Justice by Rivi Jacks

Book: Seeking Justice by Rivi Jacks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rivi Jacks
to work before Tansy comes looking for me asking questions. Exiting the stall, I dampen a paper towel, lifting my hair to place the cool towel on my neck. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I look flushed. As I exit the bathroom, I say a prayer that I don’t see Liam Justice for the rest of the night.
    Finishing our shift, Holly joins Tansy and me as we head for In Justice, picking up the bottles of wine Leon has left sitting on the bar top. We stop at the employees’ bathroom near the break room to freshen up.
    “Where’s everyone been all day?” Tansy asks Holly as she brushes her hair.
    “You mean Liam and Bryce?” I tense slightly at the mention of Liam’s name. Holly snorts, rolling her eyes. “The idiots, my husband being one of them, have been upstairs all day playing that stupid game.”
    Upstairs? Playing? I’m shocked that Holly says this so casually. I now know that all of the nefarious activities of Justice House happen on the second level. Holly must see something in my expression because she’s quick to explain.
    “Not upstairs , upstairs! I’m talking about Liam’s apartment.”
    Liam’s apartment?
    Holly laughs. “I’d kill Ryan if he messed around upstairs, and he knows it, being the smart lawyer that he is. Y’all ready?”
    I pick up the box of wine bottles, and we head out the door. I stop just outside finally making the connection. “Wait, your husband is Ryan Phillips? The Ryan Phillips?”
    Holly beams at me. “Heard of him, have you?”
    “Who hasn’t?” Ryan Phillips is an up and coming lawyer connected to one of Chicago’s most prestigious law firms. The past two years he’s been in the news often with his court cases. He doesn’t like to lose.
    “Wow, I’m impressed.”
    “Thanks,” she says, giving me a wide grin as she pushes against the door that leads into the small outer room that we pass through to the nightclub. This is where we escort and leave the Justice’s club members. Holly pulls the inner door open, and we walk into a noise level that could rival a loud rock concert.
    We step just inside, and I’m surprised at the number of people. I had no idea the club was so large. Holly had previously informed me that it was the mansion’s old ballroom. It’s a long room with a two-story domed ceiling running its length. At the end of the room, steps lead up each side of the far wall to meet in the middle near the top where a balcony is located. From under the point where the two stairways meet, multiple rays of flashing teal colored light shoot out across the room like laser beams. It’s definitely awe-inspiring. Below the flashing lights, and the balcony and stairs, is the nightclubs bar.
    I grin at Holly and Tansy.
    Holly makes a motion for us to follow, leading the way through the throng of people as she skirts the crowded dance floor located in the middle of the room. The Sohodolls, Stripper plays over the sound system, and the overhead teal lights pulsate to the beat. Holly leads us to the bar, where one of the bartenders is a good-looking guy I’ve seen around Justice House. He looks up and grins when Holly gives him a sign that he evidently understands as he immediately reaches for glasses.
    I lean close to Tansy, hoping she can hear me when I ask her if we are going to try to find a table.
    “What?” she mouths, holding her hand to her ear. I try again, speaking louder. She grins and shakes her head then shrugs.
    The hot bartender reaches toward me and hands me a glass with a salted rim and a lime wedge. Mmmm. Just what I need, a margarita. I lick the salt from my upper lip and nod my thanks to the guy. He grins and winks. Holly taps my shoulder and points up. I look up realizing she means we are going up to the balcony. There are quite a few steps, and after a couple of margaritas, I imagine it won’t be as easy coming back down as it will be going up.
    As we reach the landing, we step into the balcony area. I’m surprised that the noise

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