Darcy Saga 01 Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy

Free Darcy Saga 01 Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy by Sharon Lathan

Book: Darcy Saga 01 Mr. & Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy by Sharon Lathan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Lathan
Tags: Jane Austen Fan Lit, Shortlist
made good use of it by hugging his wife against his side, resting his hand on her silky hip.
    Well, that was interesting, he thought. Certainly a drawback to sleeping with someone that has never occurred to me, but most assuredly worth the experience. He lifted his head slightly to view the clock. A quarter to nine! Darcy could not remember the last time he had slept so late. Of course, neither could he remember the last time he had slept so deeply and contentedly, nor woken up feeling so amazingly refreshed and blissful. He sighed and closed his eyes again, a joyous smile on his face.
    As pleasant as his dream had been, the reality of his wedding night was vastly superior. They had ended their first night of marriage by loving each other before the fire on the bearskin rug. Elizabeth's initiative, coupled with the location of their union, had added another dimension to what they had already discovered to be a most delicious activity. Darcy never claimed to be a particularly creative man, but how he could not have imagined being with Elizabeth in a site other than his bed surprised him. He was a trifle embarrassed, but he now found his mind drifted to all sorts of promising possibilities. Pemberley had any number of secluded areas, both inside and out, that would work nicely. Good God, man! Listen to yourself! But the self-chastisement was ignored and the erotic ruminations manifested themselves physically.
    His decadent musings were interrupted by movement from his wife. She murmured something unintelligible, stretched, and then rose up from his chest so she could see his face. "You are awake," she said with a happy smile and reached up to brush his hair.
    He caught her hand and kissed it. "Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?"
    "Extraordinarily well. I had the most charming dreams. Quite invigorating, actually," she said with an impish grin.
    "Really? How so?"
    She smiled roguishly. "There was a man there. Could not quite determine who he was, but he made me feel so nice." She purposefully assumed a dreamy expression. "Black hair he had, dark green eyes, rather short..."
    Darcy stopped her words with an ardent kiss, lasting just long enough to leave her breathless, and then he released her abruptly. "Does that drive thoughts of this other scoundrel from your mind, or must I search him out and challenge him to a duel?" There was an edge to his voice, but Lizzy did not detect it.
    "Hmmm... A hazy memory remains. I fear I may need more persuading."
    Darcy brusquely flipped her onto her back, trapping her wrists above her head with one hand. His other clutched her bottom, securing her against his hips with her legs parting naturally to accommodate him. He kissed her deeply, covetously assailing her mouth as far as he could manage.
    "Listen to me, Elizabeth Darcy, " he growled huskily, "You are mine ! I forbid you to dream of any other but me." He punctuated his intense words with firm presses of his arousal into her pelvis. She moaned and writhed with the pleasurable sensations arising and struggled to free her captive arms, but he held her fast. He moved his lips along her neck and shoulders, tenderly nibbling and sucking.
    Her squirming became frantic with the urgent need to hold him, and she arched into his flaming body, moaning and whimpering. "Please, William!" she cried in desperation.
    "What do you want, my wife?"
    "I need you!"
    "Tell me what you need," he commanded.
    "I must have you. Hurry!"
    His voice was guttural and hoarse with desire and jealousy and a hint of vulnerability. "Say you want me , Elizabeth, only me!"
    Somehow through the haze of her passion-induced stupor, Lizzy heard and sensed the frailty in his tone. A pang of guilt ran through her and she forced her eyes open. He was watching her with a dreadful intensity. As calmly and softly as possible, she said, "Always and forever it is you, Fitzwilliam. Only you I want and need... " Her words were cut off by a massive gasp of sensual delight as he

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