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Book: Flirty by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
heat seared him, and his mind practically shut down when he finally buried every inch of his throbbing cock inside her deliciously tight pussy.
    His mouth moved to her neck, and he savored the taste of her damp skin as he began to move his hips. He slid in and out of her tight sheath, picking up the pace and rhythm until they were both delirious with pleasure.
    “Sam, oh God, Sam. It feels so good,” she murmured, her voice a strange, strangled whisper in the dark, moonlit night.
    He gripped her hair when she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in impossibly deeper, he growled loud, sure everyone in town could hear him. As she fueled his lust, deepening his need, blood rushed to his cock. He bit down on the inside of his cheek to hang on. Jesus, it was near impossible, but her pleasures were paramount, and he’d never take without giving first.
    She gyrated, her hard nipples scraping over his chest in the most provocative way. Her body grew hotter and he could feel her muscles grow tight, a clear indication that she was right there, hovering on the precipice of ecstasy. Thank Christ! She began panting, her eyes moving over his face, seeking, searching. Jesus, she was so beautiful. Sam shifted on top of her and slipped a hand between them to stroke her sensitive cleft, and when her mouth opened, but no words came, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of male pride to know he could do this to her.
    “That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me.”
    “Sam,” she whispered as her muscles clenched around his cock. Fire burned through him, his senses exploding in a kaleidoscope of color, the last of his control unraveling like an old frayed fishing net. The second he felt her hot cream coat his cock, he pitched forward, reaching the point of no return. He buried himself inside her as he succumbed to the blinding pressure racing through him.
    His body convulsed, and he sucked in a breath and held it as he released inside her. Her palm brushed gently over his face as his fingers bit into her hips, bruising her delicate skin before he collapsed on top of her.
    He stayed there, buried inside her for a long time. As he relaxed on top of her body, she stroked her fingers over his back, eliciting a shiver from him. A long time later he lifted himself up and shifted his weight to the side. When he found her smiling at him, contentment written all over her face, he knew he had to have her again. But he also suspected that no matter how many times he fucked her, how many times he was inside her, he’d never be able to sate the need she pulled from him.
    He brushed her hair from her face, and she sputtered when he got sand in her mouth.
    “Sorry,” he said, as they both laughed. “I guess we’d better get back in the water and get washed up.”
    Noises at the other end of the beach reached their ears. She pulled a worried face and said, “I think maybe we should get inside.”
    His cock began to harden all over again. “Inside?” he asked, as he pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in the towel. He bent forward, dropped a soft kiss onto her mouth and whispered, “I think getting inside is a very good idea.”

Chapter Five
    After spending a week trying to extend her loans at the bank, and trying to get approval from the restoration committee, Lex stood on her veranda, looked out over the ocean and took a deep, fortifying breath. Even though the week hadn’t been all bad, Sam spent every night in her bed and the noises in the house had subsided, she’d yet to get the permits she needed to move forward with her restoration.
    “Everything okay?” Sam asked, coming up behind her and wrapping his hands around her waist in a familiar way that always warmed her from the inside out.
    She blew a strand of hair from her face as one of the button-down, pretty floral dresses Tabby had lent her ruffled around her thighs in the late morning breeze. “The clock is ticking, and I really need to get this place renovated. But no one at

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