
Free Flirty by Cathryn Fox

Book: Flirty by Cathryn Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Fox
because you dress like a boy,” he added before drawing her nipple into his mouth. She moaned, and it urged him on. Waves lapped gently against the shore a few feet away, and the briny scent of salty air washed over them. Sam tuned everything out except this woman, and the hunger she roused in him. Her hand raked through his hair, holding him to her, and he sucked harder, twirling his tongue over her marbled tip.
    “That feels so good,” she whispered.
    As much as he liked pleasuring her orally, tonight he needed to be inside her, needed to finish what they started before he burst into flames.
    He skated his hands over her curves, loving the warmth of her skin and the desire he could feel mounting in her body. His hand settled between her legs and slipped inside her damp panties. Her legs automatically widened for him, and when he found her clit wet and hard, lust swamped him.
    Her nails scratched along his back, her soft mewling sounds catching on a breeze. “Sam,” she murmured.
    A tremor raced through him, the urgency in her voice letting him know she needed this every bit as much as he did. His body grew shaky, his cock swollen to the point of pain inside his suddenly too tight swim trunks.
    He climbed back up her body, and put his mouth close to hers. “I want to be inside you.”
    “But we don’t—”
    He gestured toward his backpack. “I came prepared, sweetheart. Like I said, I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
    Her smile warmed him from the inside out and when she lifted herself and planted a gentle kiss on his mouth, one that was full of passion and pleasure, it was all he could do to keep his shit together.
    He exhaled a shallow breath, and moved between her legs. She propped herself up on her elbow, dark lashes blinking rapidly over eager eyes as he went back on his heels to look at her. He stroked her pussy through her panties, all smooth and silky and wet, then eased the lace from her hips. He tossed them to the side, then climbed to his feet to remove his trunks.
    Her glance went to his cock as it thickened, clamoring for her attention. But he knew if she touched him, put her mouth around his girth, he’d go off like a Roman candle and never get inside her, where he most desperately needed to be.
    She crooked her finger. “You’re too far away, and I need to touch you.”
    His heart pinched, loving the way she wanted him, the way her body beckoned his touch. He grabbed a condom from his backpack and quickly sheathed himself before dropping back to his knees. He breathed a kiss over her pussy, and even though she was more than ready for him, he wet her with his tongue before settling on top of her.
    His cock throbbed between her legs as he surfed his mouth over her eyelids, her cheek, her mouth. Jesus, she was so sweet, so intoxicating, the depth of his desire for her was almost beyond his comprehension.
    He shifted, his crown breaching her opening, and when he felt her body relaxing for him, welcoming him inside, he offered her an inch. Her pussy gripped him hard and tension coiled through him, tightening his every muscle and feeding the intensity of his arousal.
    She tossed her head to the side, and tried to move her hips, to force him in deeper. But he kept her pinned, immobilized, because if he entered her hard and fast, he’d lose it harder and faster. And he didn’t want to lose it with her, because he didn’t ever want this moment to end. Christ, never had a woman made him feel so crazed and out of control before.
    He groaned, his mouth coming down hard over hers to muffle her cries of protest. He kissed her, tasted her, enjoying her flavor on the tip of his tongue, and even though he was touching her all over, he still wasn’t able to get enough of her as his cock burrowed deeper. She moaned and palmed his muscles as blood pounded through his veins.
    His balls tightened against his body as her warm heat cocooned him, squeezing and massaging his cock as he went deeper still. Her

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