The Swear Jar

Free The Swear Jar by Audra Osorio

Book: The Swear Jar by Audra Osorio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Osorio
talking about sometimes.  Sometimes?  Try most of the time.”
    Meara laughed.  “Thanks, Tom, I
needed that.”
    “See?” Tom said.  “My work here is
    “Good,” said Lucy.  “Go shelve some
    Tom winked at Meara and rolled away
a cart of books.  A few minutes later, Meara emerged from her office.  She
knocked on Duncan’s door.
    He looked up.  “Yes, Miss Meara?”
    “Mr. Phillips, I’ve spoken to Mr.
McMahon.  He’s willing to lend me the manual.  Apparently, he has no idea what
his library is doing for Summer Reading.  Interesting man.”  She rolled her
eyes.  “He didn’t know you had replaced the last librarian.  He’s eager to meet
me.  I’m not sure if I should be flattered or worried.”
    “Russell is unique,” he replied. 
“You have to meet him to believe him.  One year, we had a small, successful
fall festival.  The next year, Russell had to have a bigger, better one.  His
staff was responsible for all the work, but he took the credit.  I shouldn’t
influence your opinion of him.  Did dear Russell have anything else to say?”
    “He said hello and wondered if you
were going to the next consortium meeting.  I can’t imagine what he’s like at
those meetings.”
    “I’d rather be at a Board meeting
than at a consortium meeting with Russell.”
    “That’s not good.  This is going to
be fun.  I’ll go now while he remembers I spoke to him,” she smiled.
    She headed off to the South
Branchville library.  She wanted to plan a great Summer Reading Club for the
children.  She respected Duncan and wanted to repay his trust in her.  She
didn’t want to disappoint him.  Duncan came out of his office and stood with
Lucy at the Circulation Desk.  Tom strolled over with an empty cart.
    Duncan was concerned.  “Do we know
if she has directions?”
    Lucy chuckled.  “She has a cell
phone if she gets lost.”
    “It’s less cheerful with her gone,”
said Tom.  “Not that you don’t brighten up the place, Lucy.”
    “Shut up, Tom,” Lucy joked.  “I
hate to admit it, but you’re right.  Duncan, did you warn her about Russell?”
    “Yes, I did.”
    “I hope Russell isn’t a jerk with
her,” Lucy said.
    Tom grimaced.  “If he is, I’d worry
about Russell.  I can’t see our Miss Meara taking Russell’s shenanigans.”
    “That’s twice in one day I’ve had
to agree with you. Go shelve some more books!” said Lucy.
    Tom rolled a cart of books into the
Youth Services Room.  Lucy turned to Duncan.  He stared as if he hoped Meara
would reappear by magic.
    “Duncan,” Lucy said gently.  “I
spoke to Meara.  She and I are going to be friends.  You and I have been
friends for a long time.  So I should tell you something.  Just this once.”
    Duncan turned to Lucy. “Yes, Lucy?”
    “Meara likes you.  Take it slowly
and you’ll both be happy.”
    “She likes me?  Friend like or
boyfriend like?  Would she want more than friendship?  She’s lost her husband. 
I’m older than her.  I don’t know if she’s attracted to me.  I sound like a
    “You can’t be that oblivious, can
you?  Yes, she’s lost her husband, but she’s still a woman.  Yes, you’re older
than her.  She doesn’t notice that.  If you can’t tell Meara’s attracted to
you, then I can’t help you.  You’re hopeless.  Nice touch with the flowers and
chocolate.  There’s no doubt in my mind that things will happen when they
    “On Friday after the farm, she gave
me a bag of my favorite cookies.  I kissed her hand.”
    “What did she do?”
    “She blushed and didn’t say
    “You’re doing fine on your own and
don’t need my advice.”
    “Will Meara see through Russell’s
façade?  He’s rather charming when he wants to be.”
    “Like a snake.  You can’t seriously
be jealous already?”
    “For a little while, I had her all
to myself.”
    “If you keep thinking like that,
you might

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