Ice Moon
that the wood creaked. “As in, Nero wanted her to start fires?”
    Kilani nodded, glancing between Jason and I. “Yeah. They used to pull her from class. They called it ‘focused practice.’” She shuddered. “By then, I’d had the vision of Nadya’s parents being shot. When they lied to us, telling us Nadya moved away with no mention of her parents, it scared me, and I hid my powers. But for the others, like Taryn, Brightwood seemed to think that once we hit puberty, our psychic gifts could be strengthened with the right incentive.”
    I ground my teeth. “Those bastards.” I shook my head. “No wonder she’s so distant from everyone.”
    “Maybe.” She shrugged, empathy in her dark eyes. “She was a year ahead of me in school, but we were in the same dorm. Before she dropped out, she told me she couldn’t do it. She could manipulate a flame if it was already lit, but she couldn’t ignite the fire.”
    I picked up the burnt t-shirt. “Well, something changed. My shirt and Charlie’s arm prove it.”
    “Any luck finding out what happened to the twin?”
    “No.” I raked a hand back through my hair. “And I may not get a chance anytime soon. She’s avoiding me now and ignoring my calls.”
    Kilani got up and took my hand. “Don’t give up. She’s scared. She’ll come around.”
    I stared down at my brother’s mate. When she first came to our Pack, she thought Jason was a spy for Nero.
    And now she was carrying his twins.
    If Jason could earn her trust and her love, surely there was hope for me.
    If Taryn didn’t accidentally kill me first.

Chapter Nine
    T he sun had already set. I waited until everyone went home before pulling out my cell phone. Three days had passed since the kiss. Jared had finally stopped calling, but like the professional he was, the deck was still progressing.
    It was time to let him off the hook for the Masquerade. Then we could both put whatever it was that happened the other night behind us.
    I hit his number and the buzzer rang out front announcing someone came in the building. “I’ll be right with you,” I called.
    Suddenly Billy Joel’s Uptown Girl started playing from the waiting area in the office.
    I frowned. Jared’s voice was in stereo and the song had stopped. Lowering my phone from my ear, I cleared my throat. “Is that you out there, Jared?”
    “Yeah, it’s me.”
    Oh shit . I pressed end on the call and got up, straightening my blouse. He’d never come to my office before. Why was he here?
    I rounded the corner and my pulse quickened. How could I have forgotten how intense his hazel eyes could be, or how tempting his tan muscular arms looked in his worn t-shirt?
    “Sorry to come by without an appointment, but I was having a tough time reaching you by phone.” He held up his cell.
    I shrugged. “Work has been busy.”
    “Glad to hear it has nothing to do with that kiss the other night.”
    “No.” Heat crept up my chest. “That was a mistake.”
    For a split second it looked like I slapped him. A muscle in his cheek contracted. “Guess that depends on who you ask.”
    Why wasn’t he terrified by the burns on his shirt? Didn’t matter. “I was calling you to let you know, I won’t need you to go to the Masquerade with me after all.”
    He shoved his cell phone in his pocket, his gaze penetrating my defenses. “Do me a favor first. Let me take you to dinner. You have my word, no matter how bad I might want to, I won’t touch you.”
    I blinked, surprised by the tears threatening to blur my vision. “Why?”
    “Why what?”
    I sighed. “Why spend more time together, when you of all people must understand there’s no future, no chance of a relationship?”
    “Because it’s got to be pretty lonely in that tower you lock yourself away in. If I can’t be more, I’d like to be your friend.”
    My pulse raced. I shook my head. “I’m sorry. It’s definitely me, not you. I…I can’t.”
    He groaned, but it almost

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