Bachelor Auction

Free Bachelor Auction by Darah Lace

Book: Bachelor Auction by Darah Lace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darah Lace
and a forced smile,
    she said, “I’m sure you all meant well, but you can
    see we don’t exactly get along.”
    “And you.” Marcus turned to point a finger at
    her before continuing his rampage. “Climbing all
    over me in front of everyone when I’ve gone out of
    Bachelor Auction

    my way to keep any contact between us discreet. If
    I’d wanted my name added to your list of conquests,
    I’d have stood in line a long time ago.”
    Charlotte flinched.
    Melody gasped.
    Spencer and Chad both took a step toward
    Mitch even straightened from his casual pose
    against the mantle. “Apologize to Charlotte.”
    Charlotte tightened her grip on the chair as
    Marcus swung stiffly to face her. His dark green
    eyes bore into hers. It took every ounce of strength
    she possessed not to look away, to show him she was
    indifferent to his hateful words. Then his features
    softened, his anger replaced by chagrin, and she
    knew she hadn’t pulled it off. He’d seen right
    through her. Damn, she hated revealing her
    weaknesses, especially to him.
    “Sorry. No matter what’s happened, I shouldn’t
    have said that.”
    She waved a hand and circled the chair. She
    could have argued that he didn’t know as much
    about her as he thought, but what would be the
    point when he believed exactly what she wanted him
    to. “Don’t apologize for how you feel.”
    To avoid looking at him, or anyone else, and
    before her knees gave out from under her, she eased
    into the chair, making a show of getting comfortable.
    “At least with you I know where I stand. That’s more
    than I can say for most of the men I know.”
    An uncomfortable silence fell over the room
    until Melody leaned forward, placing a hand on
    Charlotte’s knee. “You have to believe we only did
    what we thought best.”
    “Best for whom?” Marcus grumbled.
    Melody sat back in her chair. “For the two of
    “Hmph.” Marcus wadded the bidding sheet in
    Darah Lace

    his hand and tossed it into the wastebasket beside
    the desk. “Well, you can count me out. The fact that
    the bid was altered nullifies any agreement I might
    have made,” he looked pointedly at Spencer, “had I
    been selected fairly.”
    Spencer nodded. “You’re right. You don’t have to
    follow through.”
    “No, he doesn’t,” Mitch said. “But one of us will.
    Preston Enterprises can’t afford any negative
    Melody turned to face him. “But Marcus was the
    bachelor on the block.”
    Mitch shrugged. “We could always make up a
    story about an emergency business trip that
    prevents him from fulfilling his promise.”
    Marcus muttered a curse and rubbed the back of
    his neck. Charlotte also understood what Mitch
    meant and wondered if Marcus would cave to the
    pressure or if he would take advantage of the
    opportunity and bow out, leaving her to spend time
    with one of his brothers. Part of her hoped he’d cling
    to righteous indignation, while another part longed
    for the opportunity to get back at him for the things
    he’d said and done tonight.
    “Hey,” Chad nodded. “I’ll do it.”
    When Marcus remained silent, she assumed
    he’d made his decision. One that should have filled
    her with relief, yet instead, caused an ache so deep
    in her chest she found it hard to breathe.
    “It’ll be fun,” Chad continued, his enthusiasm
    growing. “We’ll have a great time. Won’t we darlin’?”
    She attempted a saucy grin to match his but
    knew she fell short. “I’m sure we’ll find something to
    occupy our time.”
    He slapped his hands, rubbing them together as
    he started toward her. “It’s settled then—”
    “No.” Marcus caught his brother’s arm. “You
    Bachelor Auction

    Chad’s grin widened. “Change your mind?”
    Marcus ignored the taunt. “I don’t like being
    manipulated like this, but I was the bachelor
    auctioned. If I don’t follow through, someone might
    find out the truth.”
    “That’s true,”

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