The Last Boyfriend
    I nodded in agreement. It
would be an amazing opportunity to actually talk to people who were
alive and went through integration, as opposed to just writing
about interviews that other historians had been a part of and
written about. This was the sort of research that could get me into
a top graduate program, which would offer me a better chance at a
tenure track professorship at a top university.
    “I’d have to stay in school
for an extra semester though.” I talked out loud, voicing my
    “What’s an extra semester
when compared to the time of your life? Think about it, Lucky, you
have your whole life to live as everyone else has planned for you.
Do you know what that six months means to the breadth of your life?
It means nothing. This could be a real growing experience.
Opportunities like this don’t come up for everyone. This is an
opportunity to break up the mundane, everydayness of your
    “I just have a plan you
know.” I frowned to myself. My plan had always been to graduate in
four years, get married, go to grad school, have some kids, and
become a teacher or professor. But where had it actually gotten me?
It was like my boyfriend plan. Good in theory, but going
nowhere. I was practically a nun right now, and there was no
potential guy anywhere on the horizon, well, maybe on the horizon,
if things went well with Braydon. “And I’m kind of seeing someone
right now. I don’t just want to leave.”
    “I thought you didn’t have
a boyfriend.” Zane’s voice was accusing.
    “I don’t, but I have a
first date tonight.”
    “That’s none of your
    “Are you going to come with
me to Los Angeles?” He sat back, and I watched as he wiped his
mouth with his napkin.
    “I …”
    “Take a chance, Lucky. I
promise that you won’t regret it.”
    “I don’t even know
    “Do you want me to talk to
your parents? I can call them now and talk to them if you are
worried about what they are going to say.”
    “I’m not worried.” I looked
away from him, and stared at a little boy who was blowing bubbles
into his chocolate milk at the next table.
    “This is an
amazing opportunity, Lucky, I am sure they would understand.”
I felt Zane’s hand reach over and grasp mine, and I turned back to
    “My parents don’t have to
understand. They’re dead.” I saw the sympathy in his eyes as soon
as I said the words and I cringed. I didn’t want him to feel sorry
for me. I didn’t want every conversation we had from here on out to
center around his pity for me. “And you don’t have to treat me any
differently because of that either.”
    “I won’t treat you
    “Let me take you to dinner
    “I have a date.” I frowned.
“I told you that already.”
    “So I’ll just pick you up
tomorrow morning then?”
    I nodded slowly. “I guess
so.” And that was it. My decision was made. I think I had known as
soon as he had asked what my answer was going to be. “I have to
call Shayla and Maria at the diner to let them know,” I shook my
head as I spoke. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
    “You won’t regret it,
Lucky. I promise.” Zane’s eyes looked slightly overwhelmed as he
smiled at me. I didn’t really understand why. All of a sudden I
wondered if I had made a mistake. How could I just give up college
and my job? All for a guy I didn’t really know and a job I hadn’t
even started yet. I bit my lip and sighed, all of my walls were
crumbling down and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen

Chapter 6

    “You look amazing, Lucky.”
Braydon whistled as I got into his car. I was slightly annoyed that
he hadn’t come to my door to escort me, but tried to dismiss those
feelings from my head.
    “Do you like my car?” He
grinned as he stretched his hands out and caressed his leather
    “It’s a nice car.” I
nodded, slightly uncomfortable at the way he was

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