The Last Boyfriend
at Zane.
    “I’ll have the same thing
as my fine, young debutant.”
    The lady rolled her eyes
and flipped a page on her notepad. “Are you guys ready to order or
do you need a few minutes.”
    “I’m ready, you Lucky?”
Zane wiggled his eyebrows at me, and I held in a laugh.
    “Yes. I’m ready. I’ll have
the International Passport Breakfast, please.”
    “And I’ll have a ham, green
pepper, and cheese omelet, please.” Zane smiled at the lady, and
she gave him a hard stare.
    “I’ll have the drinks out
in a few minutes.” She turned around and walked back to the
    “And this why I come to
your diner every Friday.” Zane laughed.
    “Oh really,
    “Because I have the best
server in all of Miami at Lou’s.”
    “Shayla is pretty
    “Not as good as a girl
called Lucky.”
    “Well, you know what they
say. Girls who go through cotillion make the best
    “I guess I learn something
new every day.” He laughed and then frowned as his phone rang.
“Sorry, will you excuse me, please Lucky, I have to take
    “Sure.” I smiled at him,
trying to ignore the curiosity that was creeping up in me. Who was
on the phone? I wanted to know, and yet, I didn’t. I knew that if I
found out it was Angelique, my mood would be ruined. I decided to
distract myself from eavesdropping on his conversation and pulled
out my phone while I waited.
    “Did you speak to him?”
Zane hissed into the phone. “So what did he say?”
    I bit my lip, wondering who
had made him so angry.
    “Flying?” He sighed. “Do
you know who the girl was?”
    I opened my text messages,
pleasantly surprised to see that Braydon had text me back, asking
me to join him for dinner that evening. I was about to turn my
phone off without answering when I heard Zane say. “I’ll give her a
call and see if I can take her on a date next week.”
    I kept my face down, hurt
and upset, and quickly responded to Braydon’s text: That sounds great. What time were you
    “Sorry about that.” Zane’s
voice interrupted me.
    “No problem.”
    “So what were we talking
about?” He asked me with a brief smile. His eyes looked distracted,
and I could tell that his mind was still on his phone
    “I don’t remember. Maybe
you can tell me what you had to say?”
    “What I had to say?” He
looked at me with a blank expression.
    “When you pulled over on
the highway.” I frowned. “You said you had something to tell
    “Oh yes.” He paused. “It’s
not important.”
    “You can’t just say that
now. I want to know.”
    “Lucky.” He leaned towards
me again and spoke in a low tone. “I want you to be my undercover
lover. I want us to reenact all the scenes from Fifty Shades of
Christian and …”
    My mouth dropped open as I
looked at him. I knew he was a freak. Or more appropriately, a
kinky freak. “You what? Do you mean Fifty Shades of
    Zane burst out laughing and
nodded his head. “Sorry, I had to see your face. I’m taking it that
you read the book.”
    “That is not funny.” I
frowned and ignored his question. “You owe me $100.”
    Zane pulled out his wallet
and took out another set of twenties. “In all seriousness Lucky, I
want you to come with me to Los Angeles tomorrow.”
    “I can’t go to Los
Angeles.” I shook my head. “I have school, and I have to
    “Okay.” He sat back and
smiled at the waitress as she placed our plates on the
    “What do you mean, okay?” I
frowned. “That’s it. You’re not even going to tell me
    “You told me you couldn’t
    “But that doesn’t mean I
can’t be convinced.” I sprinkled some salt and pepper across my
eggs. “Convince me.”
    “What are you studying,
Lucky?” Zane cut into his omelet. “Last night I think you told me
history, right? You know a lot about civil rights stuff?” He spoke
    “Yeah history.” I
    “I like history.” He smiled
as he

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