Free G.I. BABY by Eve Montelibano

Book: G.I. BABY by Eve Montelibano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Montelibano
to hear my shit.”
    She stroked his forearm idly. “What was he like with you?”
    “He was a control freak. He wanted me to be a corporate shark, like him, but I went to the Air Force Academy, instead. We never saw eye to eye again after that. Lewis died just before my graduation from the academy. He would have been proud because I finished at the top of my class. Or maybe not. I’d never know.”
    She held his hand and brought it to her lips, not saying a thing. She hurt even more as she knew exactly how he felt. How many times had she wished that her father had attended her high school graduation where she was class valedictorian and the recipient of many other extra-curricular awards?
    “Before he died, I tried contacting him, but he turned me away every time. That did a huge number on me, you know? How can a man turn his back on his only child?” His voice shook a little as his emotions betrayed him.
    She framed his face with her palms and kissed him, wanting to erase the pain from his heart, from her own heart.
    “We haven’t fucked in the balcony yet,” she whispered.
    It took him a moment to react.
    He burst into laughter, the sound bathing some of her pain away. She hoped to God, it washed away some of his, as well.
    “No, we haven’t.”
    She winked at him, grinning in mischief. “Then let’s!”
    “Sugar, you learn fast.”


    HOW WAS IT POSSIBLE that the week was almost over and he still had not gotten his fill of her?
    Like a horny teenager, he was inside her almost 24-7 for six consecutive days, giving her a reprieve mid-week so her banged up pussy will recuperate.
    He’d ordered their meals from his favorite restaurants as he did not want to waste time dining out or cooking. It was ridiculous, the way he was so attuned with her, as if she was made just for the purpose of pleasuring him. She was like food for the gods, addicting and he was a mortal who couldn’t get enough.
    Fuck, Walker,   you’re, waxing poetic like Shakespeare on crack.
    Tomorrow, their week together would end. He couldn’t sleep thinking about it. She was already dozing off soundly beside him, spooned by his frame. Her softness and warmth were a blanket comforting the emptiness inside him. He had been solitary most of his life and he liked it that way, but he didn’t mind her presence in the past days and nights.
    He sighed, nuzzling her nape. She smelled so good, even after a marathon sex. His nose had gotten used to her scent and he liked inhaling it until he was lulled to sleep.
    His cock was hard and he cursed it for being too horny where she was concerned. Even now, after taking her four times tonight, he was partially-aroused. It won’t take a lot to turn it into a full-blown erection. Just thinking about her tight, wet, hot—
    Shit. He was VERY hard again.
    But he did not obey his need. She was sleeping so peacefully in his arms he won’t disturb her just to assuage his ravenous need.
    He sighed. This was going to be a long night.
    He was wrong. He did slip into oblivion, his dreams filled with an angel instead of his demons.


    “Is it hard?”
    “My cock?” He grinned at her lasciviously.
    She threw a piece at him from the bag of chips she was munching on.
    They were in the living room, lounging as he checked his emails from his laptop. He was sitting on an extended arm chair, his legs stretched out in front of him. She was on her stomach on the plush carpet at his side, eating junk food and guzzling a lot of soda. He detested the unhealthy shit but she’d asked for some to be delivered to his place. She said she was craving carbs after those acrobatics they did together. He’d laughed at that. Yeah, poor babe was probably feeling worn out. They’d done it practically all over the place.
    “No. Being a soldier.”
    “Mmmm,” he just said, his eyes going back to the laptop’s screen.
    They’d been sharing personal stuff the past days and maybe she was feeling too close she

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