Unravel Me

Free Unravel Me by Kendall Ryan

Book: Unravel Me by Kendall Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendall Ryan
Aquinas came to share the apartment with us.
    Having Logan living with me in such close quarters had quickly become comfortable. He was thoughtful and attentive, often doing things for me to make my day a little bit better, like having my coffee ready and small saucepan of milk simmering when I got out of bed. I liked his nurturing side, even if it was part of working through his amnesia and a way for him to feel like he was in some way contributing. After losing my mom at such a young age and growing up with a single father, I hadn’t been pampered or taken care of that way…ever. He seemed to genuinely care, often asking about my day, or how my research was coming and he would listen thoughtfully while I answered. It was nice having him around. Being together so much meant we were now pretty much inseparable.
    I found myself missing him when he was gone. I began to change my routine so that I was gone during the same hours he was, opting to study at the coffee shop or library so I didn’t have to be alone in the apartment. I’d always cherished my solitude and preferred living alone, but having Logan around had altered that.
    After dinner each night he’d spend a few hours online trying to piece together what little information we had about his past. He completed the IQ test and college placement exam as I suggested and did extremely well on both. He also spent time online searching through social networking sites for anyone named Logan in the Chicago area, but there were several hundred, and he couldn’t find anything of interest. He also continued to help with the chores, and spent time painting after I went to bed.
    That Friday night marked his first full week staying with me and, so far, his nightmares had not let up. At first, I’d slept with my bedroom door open so I could go to him and comfort him in the night when he needed it. The last few nights though, he’d made his way into my bed and I couldn’t refuse him. I wanted him close to me too. We had quickly gotten close – we just seemed to click together.
    After takeout and watching a movie on TV, we were both exhausted from the hectic week. We went to bed together, no longer hiding under the pretense of making up the couch for him.
    We crawled into my bed, covering up with the cool sheets. I sighed and closed my eyes, allowing myself to snuggle into his arms, knowing snuggling was as far as he’d take it.
    I would have never thought I would feel so close to someone I’d known for such a short time. I was normally such a private person, and so careful about letting anyone in that my openness with him surprised me. I rested my hand over his heart and just enjoyed the sensation of it thumping steadily under my palm. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep in his arms.  
    Logan cried out in his sleep and sat up in bed.
    I snapped my eyes opened, waking abruptly. “It’s okay.” I placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him with gentle caresses.
    His heart was pounding and his skin was damp with sweat.
    “Another nightmare?”
    “It was so real. I was back in that warehouse. I remember fighting with him. It felt so real, like I really was there. Maybe everything happened like they said it did.”
    “It was self-defense though, right?” Who was I trying to convince, Logan or myself?
    “Yeah. I think so.” He slowly nodded his head. “That’s fucked up, though. Not to know for sure.”
    His doubt startled me, but I could see the pain in his eyes. I could either take a chance and trust him, or jump into accusations. I could tell he needed me to believe in him. The police had dropped all the charges, so it didn’t feel right that I still doubted him.  “You’re not a monster.” I snuggled into his chest, planting a kiss on his neck. “You’re sweet and gentle.”
    He rubbed his knuckles across my stomach, and inched closer to me. He worked his hand lower, dipping just under the waistband of my panties. “Logan, I don’t think that’s a good

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