Taking Chase

Free Taking Chase by Lauren Dane

Book: Taking Chase by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
Tags: Contemporary Romance
idea. We can do it over Labor Day weekend. We were going to do something for my birthday but we can make it a combination thing. That way she’d have to come or risk insulting me.” Polly raised a smug eyebrow and the other two women laughed.
    “It’s a good thing your powers are harnessed for good, Mom. She’s so shy sometimes that I agree she might turn down something that was just for her but if we link it to your birthday she’d come. Plus, Shane can have her for the whole day then.” Maggie bit into the just delivered brownie and groaned in delight.
    “He’s shown up twice to bring her lunch this week. Just this afternoon he brought her flowers and escorted her like she was some precious object. She’s bowled over. He’s putting on the full court press with her. It’s impressive to watch,” Penny told them.
    “I haven’t seen him this interested in a woman since before Sandra. He talks about Cassie all the time. I like her a lot. She’s a sweet girl and smart. I think she’s good for him because it makes him think about someone else. Not that he’s selfish but he’s never really put a woman first before. Whatever it is she’s hiding, it’s not anything she’s at fault for, I can tell that just from dealing with her. I worry for him but if anyone can help her, it’s my Shane.”
    “Polly, I think it’s about her ex-husband. She hasn’t shared much but I think there was some bad stuff there. She’s nervous as a cat about men but she’s not a criminal. Hard working. Kind.”
    Polly sighed sadly. “I hate to think that any man would do something bad to his wife. But I’m glad she’s here and we’ll just have to show her that.”
    They planned the party, deciding to have it at Penny’s house, right on the water with food and drinks and lots of fun. They’d invite enough people for Cassie to mix and get to know but not so many she’d feel overwhelmed.
    Cassie’s thoughts were filled with Shane as she watched him approach her table at the Sunday Market. His jeans clung to his long, powerful looking legs and his T-shirt fit snug over his upper body. His muscles positively rippled as he moved, blue-green eyes only for her. She loved the way his hair looked a bit messy but still soft and silky as it touched the top of his collar.
    “Hi.” She waved as he stopped. She wished she had something more articulate to say but the man sapped her IQ as all her blood moved away from her brain to her nipples. Shifting and squeezing her thighs together to ease the ache his presence brought, she smiled up at him.
    “You look beautiful today. Well, you always do. How’s business?” He reached out and touched the scarf she had around her neck. The scarf she used to hide the scars.
    Still, it was a major victory for her that she’d stopped hiding so much of herself. Yes, she hid the physical reminders of her years with Terry, but she was opening up in ways she hadn’t in years. She’d had beer and burgers with Penny and Maggie and the others on Friday night after a really lovely lunch with Shane where he made her blush with his love of the necklace she’d made his mother. She’d beaten the Chase brothers at pool again and Shane walked to her to her car. The kiss had been on her lips, brief but still made her all shaky.
    She’d gone into her growing feelings for Shane with her therapist and her brother. Cassie was beginning to feel normal again. She had a life with friends and grocery shopping and a paycheck. Normal was a gift and she’d agreed with her therapist and her brother that she needed to grab it with both hands and live it.
    Starting with letting Shane Chase catch her if he wanted to. Or, at least let him take her on a date.
    “I’m all right. Apparently your mother and Penny have got some big party planned to welcome me to Petal. They’re saying it’s for your mother’s birthday so I can’t refuse.”
    He threw back his head and laughed. “You’re right. They’ve got your number.

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