The Forbidden Land

Free The Forbidden Land by Kate Forsyth

Book: The Forbidden Land by Kate Forsyth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Forsyth
we shall be in a state o’ siege. It is quite reasonable o’ me to want to keep ye and my wee laddie safe. Ye shall ride out with a small number o’ guards and once ye are clear o’ the castle, ye and Brangaine shall leave them and make your way down through the forest to meet up with the jongleurs on the far side o’ the river.’
    ‘Brangaine!’ Finn cried. ‘Why her?’
    ‘Your cousin has offered to accompany ye on your journey,’ Gwyneth said coolly. ‘She will be able to watch over ye and make sure ye mind your manners.’
    ‘Nay!’ her daughter cried hotly. ‘I do no’ want her! She’ll ruin everything.’
    ‘If Brangaine stays, so do ye,’ Gwyneth replied. ‘I have had a message from your father, and he agrees with me that she should go to watch over ye. He has sent Ashlin and Donald back to accompany ye also. They will serve ye both and guard ye. I would have liked to send more but your father needs every man he has to hold back the Fairgean. Besides, Enit says it is imperative that none but the most trusted ken ye travel in the Rìgh’s service. It seems the tales of Finn the Cat-Thief have spread.’ Her voice was bitter.
    ‘But Lachlan doesna want Brangaine!’ Finn cried. ‘What use will she be on an adventure? She’d be worried about getting her hair mussed, for Eà’s sake!’
    Colour rose in Brangaine’s cheeks. ‘I have the NicSian Talent,’ she said with a tremor of anger in her voice. ‘A talent with weather is always o’ use.’
    ‘Brangaine has offered to keep up your lessons in courtly demeanour,’ Gwyneth said coolly, ‘and make sure ye do naught to disgrace your name. It is very thoughtful o’ her to offer to go when she must be made uncomfortable.’
    ‘What a dray-load o’ dragon dung!’ Finn cried. ‘She just wants to go so she can ruin it all for me …’
    ‘If ye do no’ like it, go to the hunting-lodge with Aindrew,’ her mother said tersely. ‘Though I ken ye will do anything to shake the dust o’ Rurach from your shoes.’
    Finn flushed crimson. She had to press her lips together to stop angry words from spilling out. The little cat hissed and arched her back.
    Suddenly Gwyneth softened. ‘Och, Fionnghal, have a care for yourself and come home safe to me!’ she cried and pulled Finn to her. Finn stood stiffly within her mother’s sweet-scented embrace until at last Gwyneth let her go.
    The banprionnsa said rather shakily to Donald, ‘I put my wee lassie’s safety in your care, Donald. I ken I can rely on ye to keep her safe.’
    ‘That ye can,’ he replied cheerfully. ‘Do no’ fear for us, my lady, Eà shall shine her bright face upon us.’
    ‘I hope so,’ Gwyneth said, her voice thick with tears. She stood alone in the huge shadowy hall, her plaid pulled close about her, watching as Brangaine, Aindrew and Finn followed Donald and Ashlin out into the inner bailey, where horses and men waited. Aindrew pulled back against Brangaine’s hand, crying for his mother, but Finn did not look back.

Finn sat on the step of the caravan, eating her porridge and staring out over the plains, which undulated away as far as the eye could see. The long grass swayed, waves of silvery colour rippling away as the wind swept past. The only feature in all the wide landscape was a great tree on the far horizon, its shape silhouetted against a brilliant blue sky.
    It was hot. Finn wore only a thin linen shirt and a pair of shabby breeches which tied under the knee, leaving her calves and feet bare and caked with dust. Her hair was dragged back into a bunch at the back of her neck, and her sleeves were rolled up past the elbow. She could smell a tang of wood-smoke in the air but otherwise there was only the clean strong wind and the sharp scent of the herbs growing in the grass. Finn scraped her bowl clean and put it down with a sigh. She was happy.
    The four caravans were drawn up in a semi-circle around the fire, the horses hobbled nearby. Dide sat on the step of

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