myself. There are no other suitors."

    She scowled. "There must have been other suitable candidates for the position. Likely you are merely the first to arrive on the isle. The others might be journeying here even as we speak."

    "Mayhap I overtook the other candidates en route and persuaded them that their cause was hopeless."

    "Aye." Her brows snapped together. "There is that possibility."
    "Or, having failed to persuade them to abandon their quest, mayhap I simply dispatched them," Gareth added helpfully.

    "That is not at all amusing, sir."

    "This has gone far enough." Gareth reached inside his outer tunic and withdrew a folded parchment leaf. "You had best read this letter from Thurston of Landry before you proceed with your schemes, my lady."

    Clare regarded the letter warily before she took it from his hand. She studied the seal intently and then slowly broke it. Her mouth tightened as she read.

    Gareth examined the neatly framed flower beds and the carefully trimmed borders of the garden as he waited for Clare to read through the letter. He was familiar with the contents of Thurston's missive. His father had dictated the letter in Gareth's presence. It would be interesting to see how Clare reacted when she had finished reading.

    He did not have long to wait. Clare was obviously very skilled at reading. Just as he was.

    "I find this very difficult to believe," Clare muttered as she hurriedly perused the first paragraph. "Lord Thurston claims that you are the best candidate he could find. He says that you are the only one who was even remotely comparable to Lord Nicholas."

    "I told you as much."

    "I would not boast of it, if I were you. Nicholas is hardly a model of gracious chivalry."

    "I have heard that he is skilled with a sword and that he is loyal to his liege lord," Gareth said softly. "Those are Thurston's primary concerns."
    "It is easy for Lord Thurston to be satisfied with such simple qualifications. He is not obliged to marry the future lord of Desire."

    "I'll concede that much."

    Clare frowned as she returned her attention to the letter. "Surely there must have been others who ... By Hermione's elbow, sir, this is impossible." Clare looked up, clearly dumbfounded. "Lord Thurston claims that you are his eldest son."


    "That cannot be true. Never expect me to believe that Thurston of Landry would want his heir to wed someone like me."

    Gareth slanted her a sidelong glance. "What is wrong with you?"

    "Nothing, of course. But Thurston's heir will be expected to make a fine match with a truly great heiress, the daughter of a family which enjoys influence with King Henry. A grand lady whose dowry will include much wealth and vast estates. I have only one small manor and it is already bound to Lord Thurston."

    "You do not understand."

    "I most certainly do understand." Clare's voice rang with fresh outrage. "You, sir, are attempting to deceive me."

    The accusation annoyed him. "No, madam, I am not trying to cheat you."

    "Do not think you can trick me so easily. If you were truly the baron's heir, he would not settle this tiny little manor on you."

    "And why would you wish to live here in this remote place when, as Thurston's son and heir, you could have your choice of many fine holdings and great castles?"

    " 'Tis true that I am Thurston of Landry's eldest son," Gareth said through set teeth. "But I am not his heir."

    "How can that be?"

    "I'm his natural son, not his legitimate heir." Gareth looked at her, curious to see how she would react when she learned the full truth. "To be blunt, madam, I am Thurston's bastard."

    Clare was speechless for a moment. "Oh."

    He saw that she was surprised, but he could not tell if she was shocked or angered or horrified to discover that she would soon be wed to a bastard. "Now mayhap you understand."

    "Aye, sir, I do. Under the circumstances, Desire is no doubt as much as you can expect to receive by way of an inheritance, is it

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