Cometh the Hour: A Novel
name, of course, or why you were visiting the Russian sector, because she was only too aware that the authorities would be reading her letters. It wasn’t until you contacted me that I realized it must be you she’d been writing about.”
    “But how did Alex Fisher become involved?”
    “A few days after you’d resigned as a minister, he turned up in Truro unannounced. Once he’d tracked me down, he told me that you had publicly disowned Karin, implying that she was either a prostitute or a Stasi spy, and you’d made it clear to the Whips’ Office that you had no interest in ever seeing her again.”
    “But I tried desperately to contact her, I even traveled to Berlin, but I was turned back at the border.”
    “I know that now, but at the time…”
    “Yes,” sighed Giles, “Fisher could be very persuasive.”
    “Especially when he’s a major, and you’re just a two-stripe corporal,” said Pengelly. “Of course, I followed every day of Mrs. Clifton’s libel trial in the papers, and like everyone else, I read the letter Fisher wrote before committing suicide. If it would help, I’d be happy to tell anyone there was no truth in it.”
    “That’s good of you, John, although I’m afraid it’s too late for that.”
    “But I heard on the radio only yesterday, Sir Giles, that you were still thinking about standing in the Bristol by-election.”
    “Not any more. I’ve withdrawn my name. I can’t think of doing anything until I’ve seen Karin again.”
    “Of course, as her father I think she’s worth it, but it’s still one hell of a sacrifice.”
    “You’re worse than my agent,” said Giles, laughing for the first time. He took a sip of beer and they sat in silence for some time, before he asked, “Is Karin really pregnant?”
    “No, she’s not. Which made me realize that everything else Fisher had said about you was a pack of lies, and his only interest was revenge.”
    “I wish she were pregnant,” said Giles quietly.
    “Because it would be far easier to get her out.”
    “Last orders, gentlemen.”

    “W HAT A FUNNY old game politics is,” said Giles. “I’m marooned in the wilderness, while you’re the West German foreign minister.”
    “But our positions could be reversed overnight,” said Walter Scheel, “as you know only too well.”
    “That would take some change of fortune for me, as I’m not even standing in the by-election and my party isn’t in power.”
    “But why aren’t you standing?” said Walter. “Even with my rudimentary knowledge of your parliamentary system, it looks as if Labour is certain to win back your old seat.”
    “That might well be so, but the local party has already selected a capable young candidate called Robert Fielding to take my place. He’s bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, with all the enthusiasm of a recently appointed school prefect.”
    “Just like you used to be.”
    “And still am, if the truth be known.”
    “Then why did you decide not to stand?”
    “It’s a long story, Walter. In fact, it’s the reason I wanted to see you.”
    “Let’s order first,” said Walter, opening the menu. “Then you can take your time telling me why you could possibly need the assistance of a West German foreign minister.” He began to peruse the fare. “Ah, the dish of the day is roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. My favorite,” he whispered. “But don’t tell any of your countrymen, or mine for that matter, or my guilty secret will be out. So what’s your guilty secret?”
    By the time Giles had fully briefed his old friend about Karin and his failure to be allowed back into East Germany, they were both enjoying a coffee.
    “And you say she was the young woman who was in your hotel room when we had that private meeting?”
    “You remember her?”
    “I certainly do,” said Walter. “She’s interpreted for me in the past but never gave me a second look, although it wasn’t through lack of trying on my part. So tell me,

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