Borderland Bride
senseless waste. If she had but trusted me…I would not have allowed the babe to be born a bastard.”
    Isabel nodded. Whatever response she could come up with would surely do little to comfort him. How she wished she could express the sorrow she felt. It was clear Jake continued to carry the burden of their deaths.
    Not your fault.
    Jake remained quiet as he studied her fingers pressing soothingly over his skin before meeting her gaze.
    Marry again? She forced herself to ask, even as she chided herself for her curiosity. The question bubbled inside of her and she had to know. More than anything, she wanted to understand this perplexing man.
    Jake gave a depreciative laugh, pulling his hand from hers. “I have proved myself an ill husband. I would not inflict that upon another wife.”
    Isabel scowled at him. Nay, you are a fine man . Do you not wish for babes?
    “Every man does, but ‘twill not happen. I am grateful my father is not alive, for it would surely have killed him to know that his lands will fall to the crown eventually.” Jake paused, shaking his head. “How is it that you know everything about me, lass, and yet I know naught of you?”
    Isabel laughed silently. You know me.
    “Aye,” he murmured wistfully. “I suppose I do.”
    His large hand extended forward and skimmed over a curl at the base of her neck. Isabel’s head swam as their gazes remained locked. His eyes were warm, the sorrow seemingly banished. The back of his finger brushed against her skin as he rubbed the curl between his finger and her breath quickened as Jake leant forward.
    The clatter of chainmail made him jump back and they both turned to watch Dominic approach.
    “My lady.” Dominic dipped his head to her. “‘Tis good to see you up and about, Izzy. Though you look a little flushed. Has my brother been tiring you?”
    Nay, not at all.
    Dominic glanced over at Jake. “‘Tis time for weapons practice, Jake, or had you forgotten? Though I do not blame you for being distracted by our beautiful Izzy.”
    Isabel shook her head with a smile as he gave her a flirtatious look.
    Jake stood quickly, glaring at Dominic. “I had not forgotten. I will join you presently.”
    Dominic grinned. “As you will. Good day, my lady.”
    They eyed Dominic’s back as he departed and Isabel could not help but spot the narrowing of Jake’s eyes. Was he jealous? Part of her hoped so. Part of her hoped for…she sighed inwardly. She knew not what, but she hoped for something.
    “Do you need escorting back to your chambers? You do look weary.”
    She flicked a look over the metal of his hauberk, tracing the line of his well-muscled arms. Would it be awful if she feigned tiredness to have him hold her in those arms once more?
    Isabel blew out a breath . Nay, thank you.
    With a nod and a warm look in his eyes, he left her and Isabel found herself contemplating the width of his shoulders with a wistful sigh. Little did he know, that one look would haunt her dreams that night.

    Chapter Five
    Scruffy children skipped around Isabel as she walked through the bailey. She grinned at them as they tugged on her mantle, coaxing her to play with them. Isabel shook her head and pulled her cloak tightly about her. Shooing them away, she laughed silently to herself. The mud of the bailey had frozen solid and her breath misted in front of her. How they could want to play in these temperatures was beyond her.
    Still, she inhaled deeply, the cool air revitalising her senses. After so much time confined to her room, the bracing temperature was a welcome change.
    A shiver shot up her spine. Jake. Isabel turned to see him walking from the keep towards her, his broad form towering above the peasants. His brown hair was tousled and his eyes bore into her from under his brow. Isabel gulped and blinked as he neared, her skin tingling as warmth spread rapidly through her cold skin. Would be recognise her reaction to him? She lowered her eyes as he stopped in

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