Borderland Bride
out here if it will make you ill again.”
    Nay. I like it here.
    Jake peered down at her for a moment with a twist of his lips.
    Patting the bench, Isabel fixed him with her eyes. Just for a moment?
    He hesitated, throwing a glance around the bailey, before carefully easing his great form onto the bench.
    They both watched as a peasant stormed from the hall, muttering curses.
    Jake shook his head with a smile. “Dominic has had his hands full today.”
    Always busy.
    “Aye, that he is. I could think of no better man for it, though. His even temper makes him well-suited to the role.”
    Unlike you? she asked with a grin.
    “You’ve not seen my temper yet, Isabel, and I pray that you do not.”
    You’ve seen mine.
    “That I have. But mine is naught like yours. Few men can tolerate my temper and no woman ever has.”
    He scowled, his eyes clouding over and Isabel studied him. She realised where his thoughts went when that cloud of sadness came over him.
    Your wife?
    Jake’s frown deepened and she reached out tentatively, brushing her fingers over his brow.
    You’re thinking of your wife?
    He stared at her, opening his mouth briefly before clamping it shut. Jake rubbed at the spot she had touched before turning and bringing his elbows to rest on his knees.
    Isabel waited, noting the tension running through his body. He looked as if he wished to take off and she chewed at her lip. Mayhap she should not have said anything, but curiosity got the better of her. And she couldn’t stand to see what the painful memories did to him. Had he ever shared them with anyone? Dominic mayhap, but knowing Jake, he would not wish to burden him with his problems.
    “Aye,” He sat up quickly but his gaze remained fixed ahead, “I was thinking of my wife.”
    Isabel let her fingers rest lightly on his arm and he darted a look of surprise at her.
    Tell me.
    He sighed and watched her fingers as they played absently with a link of his chainmail.
    “I was some nineteen years when we married. ‘Twas an arranged marriage, but she was a beautiful woman…”
    Isabel’s heart squeezed as a rush of jealousy flooded through her but she quickly cast it aside. Selfish, Isabel.
    “…and she seemed dutiful. I thought myself in love with her, but I was not fit to be a husband. I was young and foolish and knew not how to behave around a noble woman. Jane hated me from the very beginning and there was naught I could do about it.”
    Carefully laying his hand on top of hers, he lifted his gaze to hers and Isabel drew in a breath. The heat from his rough palm distracted her fleetingly from the pain that glittered in his dark eyes.
    What happened?
    “She distanced herself from me and I spent much time in Thornewall. Her moods became unpredictable and she was aggressive, striking out at the servants and villeins alike. I tried to speak with her, to find out the cause of her sadness, but she would have naught to do with me. We lived as strangers for nearly four seasons. I should have tried harder…I should have…done something.”
    She died, did she not?
    “Aye, ‘twas a senseless waste. She flew into a rage one day, claiming to be trapped by me, by our marriage. I tried to calm her but she would have none of it. She was crazed and I feared her harming herself so I attempted to take her to her chambers but Jane…well, no doubt you have been told.”
    She hurt you.
    “Aye, stabbed me and fled the castle. I was lucky to live. The wound was deep and I fought infection for many days. When I had recovered, Jane remained missing. I led a search myself and we finally found her in a filthy stable. She was dead. Along with the babe in her belly. The babe had tried to come early…far too early for she had no rounded belly yet, and had killed them both.”
    Isabel put a hand to her mouth as hot tears welled in her eyes . Jake…
    “‘Twas not mine. We had not lain together since our wedding night. I know not who the father was, but only that it was a

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