UnLove Me - The Angels Warriors MC Complete Trilogy Box Set

Free UnLove Me - The Angels Warriors MC Complete Trilogy Box Set by Dawn Martens

Book: UnLove Me - The Angels Warriors MC Complete Trilogy Box Set by Dawn Martens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Martens
always so sweet to me, although to anyone else, she would have rather cut their throat.  I’m not really all that surprised to see her wearing a biker’s cut, looking all tough.
    I grin at her. “Hey, Moaner,” I say teasingly, using a name that Hilary and I started calling her when we were fourteen. I was sleeping over at the house one night, and Mona had her boyfriend over at the time. It was not a fun night, that’s for sure, due to all the moaning and banging. The next morning, I accidently called her Moaner Mona, and Hilary busted up laughing. The nickname stuck.
    Hilary and I were laid out in our sleeping bags in the living room, watching Bring It On when the front door opened.
    Our heads popped up, and we saw Mona stumbling in, her hands all over some guy.
    “Great! Hope you brought ear plugs, Edie,” Hilary grumbled.
    “Is that Officer Dennis?” I asked.
    “Yeah, they do this once a month or so. It’s gross,” Hilary stated, shuddering. “Hey, Mom, take that shit to your room.”
    I looked over and saw Mona’s face was red, and Officer Dennis had his shoulders shaking, probably laughing his ass off. “Hilary, you don’t cuss.”
    I looked to Hilary, who had her brows raised. “Mom, you do it, like all the time. If you can say fuck, I can say fuck, and so on.” She ended it smiling sweetly.
    Mona’s eyes narrowed. “Watch it.”
    “Kids,” Officer Dennis said, grabbing Mona’s hand and dragging her off into the bedroom.
    About an hour later, I began to understand why Hilary mentioned the ear plugs.
    “Oh, yes, right there. Harder.”
    My eyes bugged out. “Really?” I asked Hilary.
    “Yup, wait until the headboard starts going.”
    I heard more moans and started to giggle.
    I woke up the next morning to banging in the kitchen and the smell of bacon. Yum.
    Hilary shoved me. “Get up. Mom’s making food,” she said sleepily. Nothing kept Hilary away from her bacon, no matter how tired she was.
    We went into the kitchen, where Mona was dancing around in her robe, humming some song.
    “Hey, kids,” she said, smiling.
    “Moaner Mona,” I let slip out before thinking.
    Hilary burst out laughing. “From now on, that’s what I’m calling her,” Hilary said.
    Mona’s face goes red in embarrassment. “Never gonna let me live that down, are you?” she asks.
    I stick my tongue out slightly, biting it as I smile. “Coming in?” I ask, moving back a bit and opening the door wide.
    When Vinny starts to come in, I push him in the chest. “You,” I sneer.
    He runs a hand over his face. “Don’t, Eden.”
    “I don’t want you here, just so you know. Only reason I’m letting you in is because my baby sister likes you,” I tell him.
    His face falls, and he winces. “I’m sorry, Eden,” he whispers as he walks past me, but then stops. “I know what you’re keeping secret. You need to tell him. I won’t say shit, because, trust me, I have secrets too.”
    I stiffen. He knows? Oh, God, did Lilly tell him? How does he know?
    Everyone files into the house, looking around. “Uh, make yourselves comfortable. I need to finish getting Glenna ready for school.” Everyone just smiles- well, except for the men, and I walk back to the kitchen.
    “Okay, are you done?” I ask Glenna, stepping in the room.
    “Sure am,” she says, skipping into the living room. “Auntie Ann!” she screeches.
    Coming out of the kitchen with Glenna’s book bag, I watch her run over to Ann, hugging her while jumping up and down. “Did you bring me chocolate?” she asks, whispering loudly.
    Ann’s eyes flitter around. “Not so loud. You know Eden doesn’t like you having so much chocolate.  That’s our secret.”
    Well, that explains why every time she comes back from Ann’s house, she’s more hyper than a toddler on sugar.
    Feeling eyes on me, I look around, searching it out, and that’s when my eyes connect with Jasper’s.  I quickly turn away and look at Vinny, who seems to be

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