Top Nazi

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Book: Top Nazi by Jochen von Lang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jochen von Lang
Tags: History, World War II, Military
thank you. I have heard your announcement in the presence of witnesses, the Goden of this child, myself, SS Brigadeführer Weisthor, SS Gruppenführer Heydrich and SS Sturmbannführer Diebitsch. Your child will be entered in the Birth Register of the SS and a note will be made for the Family Book of the SS.”
    Brigf. Wolff then gave the child to his mother, who accepted him.
    I then appointed SS Brigadeführer Weisthor to carry out the naming ceremony.
    SS Brigadeführer Weisthor wrapped the child in the blue ribbon as he spoke the conventional words:
    “The blue ribbon of loyalty may stretch throughout your entire life.
    “He who is German and feels he is German must be loyal!
    “Birth and marriage, life and death are bound by this symbol of the blue ribbon.
    “And now may your child be the family’s own with my innermost wish that he become a proper German boy and an upright German man.”
    SS Brigadeführer Weisthor took the cup as he spoke the conventional words:
    “The source of life is Got!
    “Your knowledge, your tasks, your purpose in life and all insights to life come from Got.
    “Every drink from this cup may bear witness that you are bound to Got.”
    He gave the cup to the father of the child.
SS Brigadeführer Weisthor then took the spoon as he spoke the conventional words:
“This spoon may nourish you until you reach the maturity of youth. May your mother herewith attest her love to you with it and punish you by not nourishing you with it as an offense against Got’s laws.
He gave the spoon to the mother of the child.
SS Brigadeführer Weisthor then took the ring as he spoke the conventional words:
“This ring, the SS family ring of the house of Wolff, shall you wear one day when you have proven yourself worthy of the SS and your lineage.
“And now, according to the wishes of your parents and on behalf of the SS, I give you the name Thorisman, Heinrich, Karl, Reinhard.
“It is up to you, parents and godparents to raise this child to be a true, brave, German heart according to the will of Got.
“I wish for you, dear child, that you prove yourself so that when you reach the maturity of youth, you may receive the proud name of Thorisman as your Christian name for your entire life.
I hereby sign this document and have requested the godparents to bear witness by signing their names.
The commander:
The Goden:
1.Gode : Reichsführer SS
2.Gode: SS Brigadeführer
3.Gode: SS Gruppenführer
4.Gode: SS Sturmbannführer
    Because it would be some time before the child reached maturity, the son at first was named Karl-Heinz. This combination of “Heinrich” with “Karl” was a favorite name for quite a while, popularized by the sentimental play “Old Heidelberg.” The Gode Himmler never missed the opportunity at birthdays or Christmas to send packages to Rottach-Egern to his godchild: a silver plate, a white bear, a game of rollers. Even in January 1945 as Heinrich Himmler was going through great distress, Karl-Heinz was not forgotten. He received from Uncle Heinrich a saw kit and chocolate.
    There was a special reason for the naming ritual to be so pompously celebrated in the Wolff household. On November 9, 1936, he was elevated from his position as head adjutant to “Chief of the Personal Staff of the Reichsführer SS.” With this new position, he also took over responsibility for the cults of the SS, where Himmler’s predilection for abstruse romance always ran amok with new ideas. Wolff also now headed a department of several hundred men, who received the honorary ranks of the SS from Himmler, like the members of the “Ahnenerbe” (ancestral heritage research unit), the “research and teaching community,” for which college professors and scientists of completely different disciplines were mainly approached. They gladly came because the uniform of an SS Führer provided them with a National Socialist alibi. As proud of this academic following the graduated chicken breeder

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