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Book: TTYL by Lauren Myracle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Myracle
i’ll email him. shld i email him? cuz he acted like things were over b/w us when he was telling me about tonnie, but maybe that’s just cuz he’s afraid i won’t give him a second chance.
mad maddie:
but what if it’s true love? i can’t walk away from true love!
do you REALLY think it’s true love?
it MIGHT be. and i don’t wanna be the kind of person who’s not willing to put in the work, u know? love takes work. it’s not all cake and ice cream.
mad maddie:
all right, i can’t deal with this. bye, ladies.
zoe, did maddie really go away?
looks like it
maddie doesn’t get it, cuz she’s never been in love. but it’s better to have lived and loved than never to have loved at all.
i guess
it’s TRUE. and now i’m gonna email rob like i said i would, cuz u’ve made me feel so much better.
i have?
yeah. thanks for the pep talk, i needed it.
    Mon, Oct 4, 5:59 PM E.D.T .
mad maddie:
zoe, angela is her own worst enemy, you know.
i love her so much, but i do kind of understand what you’re saying. but i don’t know how to tell her that to her face. i don’t even know if i want to say it to her face.
mad maddie:
i do. i just wanna shake her shoulders and say, “GET A CLUE! HE IS A LOSER!!!”
i know. it’s so sad.
mad maddie:
yeah, but it’s also just ANNOYING.
mad maddie:
i didn’t wanna mention it in front of angela, but can i tell u what a great time i had at work saturday night?
with ian?
mad maddie:
we splashed dishwater at each other—it was vair vair flirty and fun. and get this: he asked if i wanted to hang out with him next weekend, after our shifts r over.
no way!
mad maddie:
you said yes, i’m assuming?
mad maddie:
oh, i was very coy as i turned bright red and mumbled, “uuh, sure!” i was quite the vixen.
oh, maddie, you are going to have an awesome birthday weekend. you’re still going out with me and angela on friday, right?
mad maddie:
ack—i totally forgot. actually, the rents have had a rare moment of parental affection and wannatake me to that brazilian restaurant where u get heaps and heaps of meat. sounds like my kind of place, baby.
this friday? they’re taking you to Meat Land this friday?
mad maddie:
uh, yes, since that would be my bday…
but you said u’d go out with us!
mad maddie:
so we’ll go out saturday instead, only it’ll have to be in the morning since i work that night. ooo—we could do the all-u-can-eat breakfast buffet at shoney’s!
yeah, but angela had her heart set on being with you on your exact birthday. i don’t mean to make a big deal out of this, but she’ll be really disappointed if we don’t get together.
mad maddie:
that’s ridiculous
i know, but still. she’d be really, really disappointed. she’s just so fragile right now.
mad maddie:
fine. i’ll tell the rents to take me out another time, i guess.
excellent idea. maybe THEY can take u to shoney’s.
mad maddie:
mad maddie:
welp, time to bounce. mark is gonna take me driving in a minute here, and i must do my limbering-up exercises. rotate the wrists, rotate the neck, practice my patented scan for dogs and small children…
have fun.
mad maddie:
only four more days!!!
    Mon, Oct 4, 7:45 PM E.D.T .
i wrote rob that email. i’m not gonna show it tomaddie cuz she’d just be mean, but do u wanna read it?
angela. are you sure rob’s really worth it?
here’s what it says:
Dear Rob, I just wanted to say that it’s totally cool if you want to hang out with other people. Obviously Tonnie is just a friend, because why would anyone choose her when they

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