Freed (Vampire King Book 3)

Free Freed (Vampire King Book 3) by Kenya Wright

Book: Freed (Vampire King Book 3) by Kenya Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenya Wright
Tags: Vampire King 3
drawing in my blood at a hasty rate. I let my head fall back and pushed my
breasts into him. He pulled his fangs out and bit me again, sinking his fangs into
the lush curve of my breast. Heat spread across it. He grumbled into my skin
and I knew he was coming. His hands tightened on me as he took his fangs away.
slammed down hard on him and clenched my insides around his big dick. “Who
are you to me?”
king!” he roared in a deep voice. Cold liquid spurted within my moist tunnel. I
shuddered in his arms. Blood trickled down my neck and breasts. He lay me down
on my back and licked it away. “I love you.”
my breath, I stared into his eyes and whispered, “I love you, too.”
rolled me over, the whole time remaining inside me. “I want more.”
I raised my eyebrows.
thrust into me. “Yes. More.”

    Chapter Seven
    What is the best way to cleanse a
vampire king’s cock? Stuff a soapy washcloth inside the queen’s royal vagina
and hope he doesn’t notice the difference.
told Nai that joke when we were nine years old. Of course, we looked like men
due to vampire children growing from baby to adults in only three years, but in
our heads we were so very much like little boys. He’d thought the joke was so
funny he told my mother, which triggered her blushing and punishing both Nai
and me for three weeks. We spent those days doing the laundry for all of the
women in the castle.
    She just didn’t like the truth of
the joke or didn’t want to admit to her twin boys that a vampire king spends
most of his early days inside his queen.
Samuel will be done in a few minutes.” I rubbed my eyes. “How many times can a
king come? Surely it’s been five times already.”
and Brie’s wagon rocked back and forth under the moons’ light. Brie’s moans
ripped from the walls and tore through the air around us. The whole camp heard
her cries of pleasure and Samuel’s pounding into that supple flesh. We all
stood outside of the mage territory’s border and had been waiting for the past fifteen
minutes for them to come out and join us. Light blue sky stretched over the
planet, displaying thousands upon thousands of glittering stars. Two full moons
swelled above us like massive glowing balls. It was the brightest I’d ever seen
the night sky, but all ignored it due to Brie and Samuel’s lovemaking.
think there was no war or Quiet King coming.” Leeta crossed her arms over her
the very nature of a vampire king to take care of his queen in every way.”
been having sex all day. Octavia’s and my wagon traveled several feet in front
and still we heard them as if we were right inside.”
spotted Octavia helping dominas out of the wagons. A rush of wind blew her long
blond hair and made her amber robe ripple. “Does Octavia know that I’m her
father’s brother?”
Leeta looked at me. “Was it supposed to be a secret?”
I was just wondering how many people you’ve run your mouth to.” I spat on the
ground. “I don’t trust you anymore.”
formed her lips into a frown. “I’ve only told Octavia.”
haven’t sent messages to my brother?”
being paranoid. I have no connection to the Quiet King. I want him overthrown
like everyone else.”
betray Samuel and Brie again and I’ll do bad things to you.”
things?” Skepticism glazed over her expression.
Bad things,” I repeated. “You’re a vampire now so each cut will heal in hours,
each peeling off of the skin will bring new skin to peel. Each hole that I dig
in your flesh with a wooden knife will fill up for me to dig again and again,
until I get bored. And I don’t tend to get bored.”
had my reasons for the betrayal. Queen Regina imprisoned my niece.” Her hands
shook. “I won’t be disloyal again.”
I guess we’ll have to

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