Serial Volume Three
time I felt the urge.
    I was pampered.
    And I wasn’t about to give all that up.
    “Oh, that feels good. Harder Agent!”
    The man had a nice dick. I’d give him that. His hands gripped my hips and when his teeth bit down into the skin of my neck, I squealed in wanton delight. I’d let this asshole think less of me as well. Just like that pretty brunette bitch that thought she was so much better than I could ever be.
    The fucker released his orgasm inside me and I thanked God that Jude had the foresight to put me on the pill.
    I’d hate to have a child and not know if the father was a sick as fuck psychopath, or an agent who’d found a way to disguise that he was no better than the criminals he hunted.
    With his chest dripping sweat onto my back, Agent Blake gripped my hair between his fingers and tugged. “Now that I’ve had that sweet cunt, you’re going to keep your mouth shut about this, aren’t you? I’ll try to help your boyfriend, you dumb bitch, but you’re too stupid to realize that it’s out of my hands now that the state has him. You better hope for a fucking miracle if you hope to save Jude from execution.”
    I smiled, turning my head slightly so as to keep the Agent from seeing my grin. Jude would escape without being butchered for his crimes.
    I just had to figure out a way to ensure that he walked away from that jail a free man.
    The moment I was alone, I tore through Jude’s apartment. I knew he had keys to his office in the safe in his closet, and I’d snuck a peek at one time to get the combination. I opened his office and ripped apart every drawer I could get into.
    I’d finally located a receipt for a warehouse and a set of keys to one of his expensive cars. The police were such idiots for not thinking to look through his business records in search for any information about properties he owned. I guessed his money offered him some protection from their prying eyes. I wasn’t sure of the legalities of it, but man it was nice to have that kind of money at your disposal.
    I knew Jude pretty well by then. I knew he liked to take his time and knew he would need a place to hold these women he’d apparently used to cheat. Asshole. I didn’t give a shit if the bitches ended up carved up and rotting along a fucking road. They still served to turn him on, and for that, I’d get even.
    Speeding along the road, I didn’t worry that I was being followed. Everybody thought I was an idiot and I had no problem letting them think that. I was going to save my man. It was the only thing that mattered to me after plugging in the address to the warehouse hidden out in the middle of crack town.
    Why did he have to fuck prostitutes? Why did he have to kill a waitress from the same restaurant where he’d met me? I thought we were special. I thought I meant something to him.
    I guess it didn’t matter what type of guy you ended up with. Every single one of them was no better than a desperate dog wandering the streets in search of another piece of ass.
    Pulling up to the run down and discreet building, I pulled out a set of keys I’d found taped to the purchase receipt of the property. The sun was fading fast and the building was draped in shadow. Letting myself in, I first noticed the cold bite of the air inside the rooms. But my thoughts were quickly freed of that observation when I smelled shit and greasy food in the air.
    “Hello?” A weak female voice called out and my blood boiled over.
    “Hello?” I screamed back, weaving the halls in search of the sound.
    “In here!” She screamed. “Please help me!”
    Finally locating the room she was in, I was struck dumb by the horrible state she was in. I didn’t give a damn about the blood on her skin or the shit on the floor.
    The bitch needed help…and help was what I would give her.

Chapter Twelve
    Patty Wilson
    She thought she heard something, like a door opening or maybe a car door slamming. She stood up and stretched, preparing for the

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