A Mate to Share [Wolf Pack Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free A Mate to Share [Wolf Pack Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Cara Adams

Book: A Mate to Share [Wolf Pack Mates 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Adams
Tags: Romance
really leave here right now.”
    “I’ll stay here for you.”
    Taige gave him a piercing look, very different from her usual laid-back style. “All right. I’ll try to be quick.”
    “Send Jett back here to help me. The two of us should be fine.”
    Taige smiled. “Yes. I will.”
    Morgan moved slowly through the crowd, scanning everyone, trying to tell if there were any troublemakers among the people. Everything seemed orderly to him, but he was still pleased when Jett returned and began to circle the opposite side of the room from him.
    Only a few moments later he noticed Sard, a wolf, reaching across a table to take something. “Can I help you with that, Sard?”
    The dark wolf jumped, then laid a richly beaded collar back on the table. “I was going to ask how much this is.”
    “The price tag says forty dollars, so I’d say that answers your question.”
    Sard turned and walked away. Morgan watched him leave then replaced the necklace in its bowl.
    He moved behind the table to watch over Taige’s jewelry more carefully. Scanning the crowd, he checked, but saw no other wolves. Was that a genuine mistake or had Sard planned to steal a necklace? And why? He had no wife, mother, or sister to give it to. Was it a gift for a girlfriend perhaps? If so, why hadn’t he bought it when he was told the price? It wasn’t expensive for such a beautiful piece of work.
    Morgan decided it might be time to keep watch on Sard and on all Sard’s friends. Something did not seem quite right.
    * * * *
    Jett’s job in the pack was supervising the distribution of their goods. Mostly this meant he sat at a computer plugging tracking notes into spreadsheets, making sure the USPS delivered when and where it said it would. From time to time they changed distributors, especially on their international routes, because the entire purpose of growing special crops was the high prices they fetched, and if a distributor was even an hour late picking up a delivery that could adversely affect the freshness and quality of the food.
    But mostly any delays were unavoidable due to bad weather at airports or breakdowns on truck routes. That’s what their insurance was for. So by and large, it wasn’t a particularly stressful job, apart from maybe half a dozen times in a year, such as when that volcano blew up, closing half the world’s airports for a week.
    Which was why he was leaning back in his desk chair, staring out the window, instead of plugging data into his computer that morning. He and Morgan had talked about Sard being at the craft market and neither of them could find a reason why he would be there. If he was simply curious, or liked crafts, why would he touch an item of woman’s jewelry? Jett was convinced Sard had planned to take it, and he knew Morgan felt the same.
    But was that just a piece of petty theft, caused only by the opportunity arising, or was it a sign that some of the wolves still planned to attack the women? Jett thought there was still underlying resentment against the humans, coupled with the need for men to find a mate. What he couldn’t understand was why the wolves were targeting the women in the schoolhouse. There’d never been the slightest hint the women didn’t approve of the pack, or wanted to buy more land and encroach on the area. Added to that, they were running a craft market. If they’d been establishing a gym and might have wanted to go running on pack lands, it would be different. But it was difficult to think of anything less innocuous than craft.
    Jett was determined to keep his woman safe, which meant keeping all three of them safe. He closed his eyes and pictured the schoolhouse with its solid, old, pale lemon limestone walls and sturdy gray stone floors. The roof was tiled, also a solid piece of construction. The doors were heavy wood with modern locks on them, and Jett knew the women were careful about locking up during the day as well as at night.
    Really, the only point of

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