How to Romance a Rake

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Authors: Manda Collins
recovered,” he said, his gaze never leaving Deveril’s. Alec noted with annoyance Turlington’s possessive posture. “Come, let me show you Rickarby’s new work. It is dedicated to the Regent, you know.”
    That left Alec alone with Lady Shelby. He found himself inwardly amused. For all of his father’s and uncle’s bad behavior, he himself had never been warned off from any particular young lady. Quite the contrary, he often found himself being pursued by matchmaking mamas with designs on his title.
    “I do not know what sort of game you are playing with my daughter, my lord,” Lady Shelby said coolly. Her eyes, although the same color green as Juliet’s, were infinitely more calculating. “I thought at first that you must be using her as some sort of amusement. A man must grow weary of being fawned over constantly. I imagine her clumsy attentions must be refreshing when compared to more skilled compliments.”
    He said nothing, though his distaste for Juliet’s mother grew by multiple degrees.
    “But now,” she said, her expression speculative, “now, I believe you are up to something altogether more … sweet.”
    “I don’t know what you mean.”
    “I think you’ve developed some sort of tendre for her,” she said baldly. “And I dislike telling you, as I realize how unlikely it is to have any gentleman show an interest in her given her … flaw, but I’m afraid Lord Shelby and I have already promised Juliet’s hand to someone else.”
    If this were true, Alec surmised, then no one had told Juliet about it.
    “I suppose you mean Turlington?” Alec felt a muscle in his jaw flex at the idea of Juliet being manhandled by one such as Turlington.
    “Of course.” Lady Shelby nodded. “I haven’t informed my daughter yet, of course. But she will do her duty. If nothing else Juliet is a biddable girl. And given the fact that she has little other chance at marriage, I believe she will be persuaded to accept him. That is, so long as you maintain a safe distance from her.”
    “And what makes you believe that I pose any danger to your plot?” He gazed intently at a speck of dust on his coat sleeve, refusing to let his adversary know how attuned he was to her response.
    “Oh, come now, Lord Deveril. I know the signs. At least when it comes to my daughter. She all but bursts into flames when you enter a room.”
    Though he was careful not to show it in any way, Alec inwardly cheered.
    But Lady Shelby’s next words dampened his triumph. “Do not think that I do not appreciate your condescension. She is far too plain for a high stickler like you. Why, you’ve got waistcoats that are prettier than my Juliet. But I must ask that you curtail these little tête-à-têtes with her. Because while he is handsome enough, I know perfectly well that Turlington cannot hold a candle to you when it comes to looks and charm. And make no mistake, Juliet will marry him eventually. It only remains to be seen whether she does so willingly or through coercion. It will be a kindness on your part if you will allow her the illusion of making the decision for herself.”
    And, thinking she’d made her point, Lady Shelby sashayed back through the side door and into the gallery within.
    Stunned into silence, Alec watched her go with a mixture of astonishment and contempt. If he were honest, he did feel a surge of triumph at Lady Shelby’s revelation that Juliet showed a preference for him. But that happiness was tempered by outrage on Juliet’s behalf.
    Did she really have so little respect for Juliet’s wishes that she would force her into marriage with Turlington? Even if she were as plain as Lady Shelby said, and he was in definite disagreement with her views on the matter, there seemed little need to force Juliet into marriage. Unless, of course, Lady Shelby had some other motive for backing the match. Which, doubtless, she did.
    It was the only explanation for her pains to warn Deveril off.
    Any other mother of an

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