How to Romance a Rake

Free How to Romance a Rake by Manda Collins

Book: How to Romance a Rake by Manda Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Manda Collins
“I know Mama would not agree to let Alice stay with us, no matter my wishes. But what of your own family? Will your sisters object?”
    He smiled. “They are used to my quixotic temper and will not be bothered in the slightest. In fact, I suspect they both will sneak up to the nursery every chance they get. I will have my man of business hire an appropriate nursemaid for the babe. And you are, of course, welcome to visit the child whenever you wish.”
    “I am grateful for your willingness to upset your household in such a manner,” Juliet told him, “You behave as if it is nothing, but taking in a child, especially one with the stigma of illegitimacy, is no small thing.”
    He took her hand. “There is a special place in Hades for those who hold the sins of a child’s parents against them.” He gave a bitter laugh, “I should know. And given what Monteith and I found in Mrs. Turner’s flat this morning, your friend had no notion that she’d be gone for more than a few hours. I am well able to care for her until her mother’s return. If anyone asks, I shall put it about that she’s the child of a distant cousin who was called away suddenly…”
    He did not add that he suspected that tale might be close to the truth if she was, as he suspected, his uncle’s by-blow.
    “I cannot thank you enough, my lord.” Her worry was evident in the shadows beneath her eyes. Still, she seemed to draw from some inner reserve of strength, straightening her spine and returning to the subject at hand. “So, if you believe Anna had no idea she’d be leaving, was her note coerced?”
    *   *   *
    Alec longed to set her fears for her friend at rest, but he could not bring himself to lie. “I think it likely.”
    Her resignation made his gut ache, still he knew she would not wish him to lie to her.
    “Given your knowledge of her habits, and her affection for her child, I find it difficult to believe that your friend left her home voluntarily. There was no visible sign of struggle in her rooms, but Mrs. Parks heard an altercation. She assumed it was the couple in the house next door, but I believe that it must have been Mrs. Turner and the man who took her away.”
    “But why?” Juliet demanded, her worry turning to anger. “Anna never divulged the name of the man who attacked her. She lived a quiet and unassuming life far removed from the society she was born into. She was a threat to no one.”
    “We will not know the answer to that until we find out who took her,” he said, “and where.” He suppressed a pang of guilt at the thought of his uncle’s possible involvement in the matter. Juliet would not be so grateful for his assistance when she learned the truth.
    “I would like to come see Alice,” she told him. “Would that be agreeable? Once she’s settled?”
    “Of course, you are most welcome to come visit the child,” he said. “Perhaps you would like to bring one of your cousins along.”
    He was about to issue an invitation for her to come that very afternoon, but was interrupted by the arrival of Lady Shelby and Lord Turlington, who rushed forward as if they had spent hours searching for her, rather than the quarter hour Juliet had likely been outside.
    “Where on earth have you been, Juliet?” Lady Shelby demanded, her frown directed at both Juliet and Deveril. “It is highly improper for you to be here alone with Lord Deveril. I would think a gel of your age would know better. And you, Lord Deveril, you should know better as well.”
    Alec stepped closer to Juliet, offering her his physical support if she had need of it.
    “Lady Shelby.” He bowed. “A conversation between friends in broad daylight can hardly be considered improper. I found Miss Shelby resting here and we kept one another company. You do your daughter a disservice to suggest otherwise.”
    Turlington stepped forward and offered Juliet his arm, which she had no choice but to accept.
    “Miss Shelby, I hope you are

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