Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar)

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Book: Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar) by Dara Bowman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Bowman
place as I watch her walk away from Sid.
    Jenner hoots in approval next to me, and Avery cheers and
starts clapping his hands.
    “Go Annie!” Johnny yells.
    Everyone else is eerily quiet. I see Annie turn around,
she’s surprised to see the guys cheering for her.
    “Get the fuck out, loser,” Avery says.
    With a sneer, Sid smacks Mel’s ass and stalks out of the
    “Are you out of your mind?” Mel cries, running up to me. I
shrug and turn away, but not before I see her hightail it after Annie.
    “What was that all about?” she demands, whirling Annie
    Annie flinches at her touch.
    “Don’t touch me,” she says in a quiet voice.
    “I want to know why Dom is punching my boyfriend, and what
any of that has to do with you?”
    Annie’s eyes are cold blue steel. “I have no idea why Dom
punched him,” she says, her voice is equally cold, “And Sid and I are history.
But you might want to ask him about Ammara.”
    “Ammara. She’s an art distributer in Long Beach. I’m sure
she’ll explain everything.”
    Then Annie slips behind a black curtain that’s dividing the
    I hurry to the other side of the room, and slip behind
another section of the curtain.
    I’m practically aching now, I need to see Annie. I need to
see that she’s okay. I really don’t know when I turned into such a pussy.
    I see Annie about thirty yards away at the other end, and
she seems to be sitting on the ground crying. I hurry towards her, and notice
that she is actually hugging herself and rocking back and forth.
    Oh, shit. She’s seriously upset. I’m not sure I know what to
do here, but I go with my gut instinct.
    “Hey, hey, hey,” I soothe, as I approach her.
    She’s shocked to see me and she jumps up in surprise and
wipes at her tears.
    “What are you doing here?” she asks angrily, turning her
back to me.
    “I could tell you were upset. I wanted to check on you.”
    She sniffles loudly and turns around to face me. Even though
she’s been crying, she still looks fucking beautiful. I want to pull her in my
arms, but I resist the urge.
    “Thanks,” she says cautiously. She takes a shaky breath.
“Why did you punch him?”
    Shit. Now I need to admit that I’ve been snooping like a
lovesick teenager.
    I try to shrug it off like it didn’t mean anything, but
Annie’s baby blue eyes bore into me, and I know she’s not buying it for a
    I blow out an exasperated breath.
    “I always thought he was a doucher, but then I learned what
happened with you two.”
    Annie’s face reddens, and she ducks her head while tugging
nervously on her shirt.
    “Everybody knows,” she says hopelessly.
    “Actually, I don’t think they do,” I offer. “I had to do
some snooping to figure it out.”
    This gets her attention and her head snaps up. I don’t look
at her, but I can feel her assessing me.
    “Well, your dad alluded to something happening at the Cherry
    “Oh crap, now I’m really embarrassed!”
    “Don’t be! The little shit deserves it, and he deserves way
more than that one little punch I just gave him.”
    I look up and see a small smile play on Annie’s lips.
    “Thank you.”
    “You’re welcome.”
    And I don’t know why, but everything just seems to fall into
place. It’s like a wall just came down between us, and we are both standing
here in front of each other, exposed.
    So, I try again, and hope the third time’s the charm as I
grab Annie roughly, and pull her to me. She doesn’t resist, and instead a small
moan escapes her lips that drives me fucking wild. Her body is so soft against
me, just how I remembered but even better. I press my lips hard against hers,
and she complies, parting her lips so I can slide my tongue into her warm
    She tastes even better than I remember, and I keep waiting
for that excruciating pain of being kneed in the balls but it doesn’t come. I
kiss her harder, and Annie responds under my touch like

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