Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar)

Free Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar) by Dara Bowman

Book: Bad For Me (My Forbidden Rockstar) by Dara Bowman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Bowman
shoved him against the wall, with my forearm on his
throat, and told him if he ever tried contacting my mother again, he wouldn’t
live to tell about it. He tried to act all macho, but I knew he was scared.
    The next month Diesel hit it big and we haven’t seen or
heard from my dad since.
    “Dom, you got that?” Richard is looking at me now, and I see
everyone’s eyes on me.
    “I’m sorry,” I mumble, “Can you say it again?”
    “I was just saying we’re going to work the top of the set
list now and go over things very roughly.”
    “Yeah, yeah. That’s good.”
    I catch Annie’s eyes, and she’s looking at me with a mixture
of curiosity and something else. I can’t read the other emotion and I turn away
from her before I do something stupid.
    The next few hours fly by, and soon we’re breaking for
    I smell a familiar scent of lemons and mint and turn around
to see Annie behind me.
    “Hi,” she says quietly.
    “Is everything okay with your mom?”
    What is she a fucking mind reader? And I guess she’s already
forgiven me about the song and music video, this chick is a roller coaster
    “Everything’s fine,” I snap.
    I see I’ve upset her.
    “Fine. Whatever. I was just trying to be nice. She is
marrying my dad, after all.”
    She turns to walk away.
    Great job, dick head.
    “Annie! Wait!”
    She turns back around, the long necklaces around her neck
jingle softly, and I notice the ends are nestled in her cleavage.
    “Sorry for snapping at you. Everything’s fine. She just told
me to be nice to you.”
    Annie’s eyes widen.
    “Geez, sorry.” She says, looking at her feet.
    I can tell she’s embarrassed.
    “No worries. I told her I would try not to be as big a dick
as usual.”
    I see Annie half-smile at my self-depreciating joke.
    “How’s it going over there?” I ask, nodding in the direction
of Liz and Mel.
    Annie bites her lip, and plays with her hair. I’m starting
to pick up on her nervous cues. Hell, she’s sexy when she’s vulnerable. So much
sexier than the trashy pieces of ass I’ve been seeing lately.
    “Liz is great, but Mel…” she trails off.
    “Is a first-rate bitch, huh?”
    She snorts in surprise and then quickly collects herself.
    “You said it, not me.”
    “I’ll say it again. Mel is a bitch. She’s hard to get along
with, I know. Don’t take it personally.”
    “I think she’s mad that I came out of nowhere and got the
lead backup vocalist spot over her.”
    I nod in agreement; Annie is pretty perceptive.
    She narrows her eyes and lowers her voice. “Do people know
my dad is marrying your mom?”
    “No. Why?” I ask surprised.
    Relief washes over her face. “Well, I just thought that
maybe everyone thinks I got this gig because of our parents.”
    I’m a fucking fool. I didn’t even think of that.
    “No one knows yet, but I’m sure they’ll find out soon
enough. It’s not like it’s a big secret. Anyway, everyone has already heard you
sing, so no one should think otherwise.”
    Annie beams, and I feel good making her smile like that.
    “Alright. See you around.” She says, as she turns to walk
    Then she hits me with a hard gaze. “And just so you know,
I’m still pissed off about the song.”
    I watch her tight ass swish away; I’m so mesmerized that I
don’t hear Avery coming up behind me.
    “I’m serious, Dom. If you don’t want to bang her, I will.”
    “Fuck you.”
    “Well, obviously you’re too busy with groupie pussy to
pursue Annie, and the rest of us guys are more than happy to make a move.”
    “Leave her the fuck alone, and stop worrying about what tail
I’m getting.”
    “Touchy, touchy. She seems too good for you anyway.”
    I shove Avery and he laughs at me. Avery has a way with
women, and he’s certainly pickier than I am. The thought of Avery and Annie
makes me see red, but I don’t know why I’m acting like I have some kind of
claim over her.
    And Annie has nothing to do with the

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