Scarred Beginnings
night after you went to your room. I think she was rather hoping you would ask but as you slunk off to bed and didn’t bother,” he added pointedly, “we thought we had best help you out and take control of the situation. Just as well we did by the sounds of it. You can thank us all properly another time.”
    David frowned.
    “I would have rung Ellen and asked for it all anyway. She would tell me.” He read each number again and then folded the pieces of paper carefully before slipping them into the zipped compartment of his wallet. He looked back at his friends and then smiled widely. “Thanks. Ellen may have decided to play tough and actually not let me have the info. She can be a stubborn moo at times and she might have thought it served me right for not asking Geraldine for her details myself.”
    He was silent for a few seconds and then he spoke in bitter tones. “It’s all this crap ’s fault! I would have asked her myself if I had any balls!” He waved his hand about the car at them all. “Time was, if I wanted to go out with a girl, I would have marched right up to her and just told her I’d be picking her up at seven. Look at us all.” He waved his hand expansively and they all knew he was referring to their various injuries. “We’re all in exactly the same situation. All this shit knocks your confidence to hell and back. Ellen is so right. I’m still the same bloke I always was but my own self-doubt has me faltering at the first hurdle. I am so pathetic. I think I’ve been feeling sorry for myself, making up stupid excuses.” His expression suddenly changed, filling with determination. “Well no more. It’s time for action. Genuine people won’t give a stuff if we have a limb or two missing. From now on I’m going for it big time. Geraldine’s beautiful, funny, incredibly sexy and exactly my type of woman. I want her and I’m going to try my best to win her.”
    James led the general whoops of agreement and encouragement.
    “I almost pity the poor woman,” he said as they drove onwards towards the coast. “She doesn’t stand a chance. With you on a charm offensive she won’t have a clue what’s hit her.”

Chapter Seven
    How much longer was this going to take?
    He tried to relax as his Commander signed his release papers so slowly he could hear the pen scratching over the paper. The man dated the bottom, blotted his signature and then folded the sheets carefully before sliding them into an envelope. He held onto the envelope a moment longer as he looked up at David thoughtfully.
    “You’re sure about this Phillips? That promotion is still on the cards, you know. We’d be happy to have you for another five at the very least.” He tapped the side of the envelope on his desk and stared hard as David looked right back at him.
    David shook his head.
    “No thanks. I’ve made up my mind. Not even the offer of promotion could sway me.” His fingers twitched as his eyes locked on the paperwork that would release him from his service.
    C ommander Richards caught his look and laughed as he reluctantly handed the envelope over. He was losing one of his best men and although he wasn’t happy about it he accepted that Captain Phillips had special reasons for his departure.
    “I’ll be sorry to see you go but I h ope to see you soon.” He grinned at David’s quizzical frown. “You didn’t think I wasn’t going to try out your new hotel, did you? I’ve booked the wife and I in for the New Year’s Eve dinner and dance. A few of the other men are coming with their wives too. We’ve hired out a cottage just down the road from the château so we don’t interfere with your needier guests.”
    David nearly choked.
    “You’re kidding me, Sir. I didn’t even know that you knew about the venture.”
    Richards leaned back in his chair and raised his eyebrows.
    “There’s not a lot goes on around here without me hearing about it but as it happens, the rumours have been rife since your

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