The Danu

Free The Danu by Kelly Lucille

Book: The Danu by Kelly Lucille Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Lucille
stop towering over their table.  When
he spoke, he was as cold as the ice in his eyes.
    "Why isn't she in
irons?"  As first words went, it wasn't a promising beginning.
    Khalon did not bother to
stand for his brother, though Ragnar did, stepping back from the table
diplomatically.  Only Katrine spared him a glance, and saw his eyes were on the
two men with Prince Ansgar, and his hand was clenched tight on his own sword. 
Khalon's face once again resembled the expressionless mask Katrine had only see
from him one other time.  When he had been with his troops going through the
city of Haven the first time she saw him.  In that moment she was reminded once
again that he was first and foremost his father’s enforcer.
    "What are you doing
here Ansgar?"  His voice was grim and not the least bit deferential.  If anything,
he sounded angry.
    "Father heard the
same rumor you did, and sent word to Horth for you."  Ansgar’s words were
cutting, and his eyes a blade that did not look away from Katrine. 
"Imagine my surprise when I received his message and realized you had left
your men behind, not on a royal order, as you suggested, but for reasons of
your own.  I arrived at Haven not long after you left and got the story from
the Captain of the guard.  I followed after you to make sure the witch arrived at
Dunsen without any further miscommunication. Now I have answered your
question, perhaps you would be so good as to answer mine?"  The last was
clearly more an order than a request, and it had Khalon bristling, as much as
the way Ansgar fingered his sword pommel and looked at Katrine with intent
seemed to anger him.
    "She is not in irons
for the same reason you have wasted a trip," Khalon spoke low and through
his teeth.  "I have her well in hand."
    Katrine would have took
exception to that remark if it weren’t for the look on his brother’s face.  He
wanted there to be a problem, so he could solve it with his steel once and for
    "Since you are
here," Khalon spoke again, this time with less heat.  "You might as
well join us for a meal.  If anyone is still here after you and your men sent
them all scurrying to safety."
    The teasing nor the
invitation did not soften either man.  Ansgar sat in Ragnar’s abandoned chair
beside Khalon and across from Katrine.  He even looked away from her forced
serenity long enough to eye his brother.  His eyes were back on Katrine soon
enough, even as he dug into the new trencher of food that was soon placed
before him, he watched her.  Ragnar’s abandoned trencher and cup were whisked
away and he and the other two men eyed each other balefully at the next table
over.  They sat and ate as well, with seeming ease, but no one in the room was
fooled.  You could cut the tension with a knife at both tables.
    Katrine seemed to be the
only one who had lost her appetite, but she refused to show weakness, eating
the last of her meal as if she had no worries, even if it did churn in her
    After a particularly long
suspicious study from the man before her Katrine's chin went up, and she
watched as Ansgar the Bloody narrowed his eyes at the perceived challenge.
    It was Khalon who spoke, distracting
his brother.  "Did father say anything else in the message?"
    "Only that if she is
Danu he wants her brought to the palace unharmed."  It was clear from the
tone of his voice that the bloody prince did not agree with the unharmed part. 
"He forgets, I think, what they are capable of."
    Khalon snorted drawing
his brother’s eyes.  "Father forgets nothing," he assured his
brother.  "You can be sure he has his reasons."
    "Maybe, but in this
instance his reasons are less important that the danger he invites to his door
step."  He stabbed a slab of beef with his knife and lifted it to tear a
large hunk off with his sharp white teeth.  "The witch is too dangerous to
live, let alone visit with the King."
    Katrine tensed up at the
message in those cold words but Khalon turned

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