Kodiak Bloodlines - The Complete Series
legs as a cat would while purring. Then the two wolves did the same and then Jordan looked at Asher who was smiling and then her grandmother. “Why are they doing that?”
    “Honey, they are welcoming you home.” Mama Crone said smiling.
    “But their children right?” She asked raising an eyebrow.
    “Then how could they possibly know who I am?”
    “Your bloodline child. They can smell it. Sense it.” The old woman winked. “Come on.”
    “Jordan! Come here child.” Erza chirped in an old crackling voice and then stood up on the porch.
    Jordan looked at her grandmother who was smiling and nudged her. “It’s ok. Go.”
    She took a step forward onto the first step and walked up the other two, now standing in front of the woman. Jordan felt like she was towering the woman who was slightly bent over at the waist. The woman raised her hands and cupped Jordan’s face and then said, “My god how you’ve grown. You’re absolutely stunning.” She paused staring. “I have missed you so much. I knew this day would come. Come...let’s go inside.” She said tucking her arm into Jordan’s.
    They walked into the cabin, with Asher and Mama Crone following behind. Erza motioned Jordan to sit at the table and she did. Asher and her grandmother followed suit, sitting in the chairs next to her.
    Jordan watched the witch grab a book and lay it out in front of them. Then she sat in the chair next to Jordan and pointed to the parched paper that had several different animals and an old inscription written next to it. “This is what Sable used. I’m sure of it.” Erza said smiling.
    Jordan studied the page but couldn’t understand any of the writing...it was written in a language unknown to her. “What does it say.” Jordan whispered.
    Erza laid a weathered hand on Jordan’s arm and said, “It’s called ‘CURSE OF THE LYCAN’ but if this is the curse she used, Sable didn’t think it through.” Erza said letting out a little giggle.
    Jordan smiled at the woman’s gesture, finding it cute and looked at Asher and then back at the book. “What do you mean?”
    “Crone tells me that you have no memories of your childhood, that day. Correct?” Erza asked raising an eyebrow.
    “Yes, that’s right.”
    “And you haven’t been able to shift, correct.”
    “Yes.” She said watching the woman’s fingers follow a line of scripture.
    The woman looked at her smiling. “This spell allows the witch to suppress the memories of a wolf, burying them deep within their subconscious mind. It also makes their inner animal sleep, as if in a trance and can’t be awakened until they mate with their true soul mate, the one that was chosen for them.” Erza said hopping out of her chair like a little girl. “Jordan, the reason you are having visions and a few older memories is because you are not only a wolf, but you are all species. You can shift into any animal of your choice. Do you understand?”
    “So you’re saying Mama Sable only suppressed the wolf inside me, not the other species?
    “Yes! That’s right baby girl!” She said clapping her hands. “She obviously didn’t think it through or this was all she could come up with in a short amout of time.”
    “So that’s why nothing happened with Jude when we mated.” She said standing up. Jordan paced the floor thinking. “Can you undo the curse?”
    Erza walked quickly to the table and flipped through the book and pointed to the page. Jordan walked over and looked down, reading out loud, “Aftermath Spell.”
    Jordan looked at the woman and then read the small spell out loud:
    There has been unfairness done to me
    I summon the elements to shine their light
    I invoke thee
    I conjure them to undo what's been wronged
    I invoke the four animal gods and they shall lay their eyes and minds onto thee
    Blinded by anger
    Blinded by pain
    Blinded by thee
    I invoked the four animal gods to undo what has been wronged
    I invoke thee
    “Who are the four animal

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