Big Sky
started out the door.
    “Will, wait.”
    He paused. “You need somethin’?”
    “If I tell you something, will you swear not to repeat it to Luke?”
    “Now, honey, I can’t keep secrets from the boss. Luke is like a brother to me. How would it look if he couldn’t trust me?”
    “ Please. He might hurt me if he knows I said something to you.”
    Will frowned. “I told ya he wouldn’t...”
    She decided to throw caution to the wind. The only way she’d get to tell Will was just to tell him and pray to God he saw the gravity of the situation and was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. “Last night Luke had some kind of meltdown. He thought I was Trish. I’m really scared of him. You have to help me.”
    Will avoided her eyes.“He was real hurt about that. When she died, he almost lost the ranch. He wouldn’t get outta bed. We had to pick up his slack and between that and feedin’ ourselves, it was a rough few months. Did he hurt you?” Even as he said the words, Veronica knew he wouldn’t believe it if she said that he had.
    She wasn’t sure how to answer. She didn’t want Will privy to the thing that had almost happened between her and Luke. That was too private, and in many ways too humiliating. What had most scared her was when he’d taken off his belt and then called her Trish, proving he’d left mental health a long time ago.
    “No, but he seems unstable. You didn’t see him last night.”
    Will set his thermos down and went to the cabinet to get a coffee mug. He poured a cup and handed it to Veronica and led her to the kitchen table. “Sit and drink this. You need to calm down before you hyperventilate. I don’t know what happened with you two, but Luke’s not crazy. You can take my word on that. I’ve worked with him day in and day out for years and years. He had a rough patch after Trish died, but he’s not crazy.” The ranch hand seemed to be in denial about the situation, as if saying it enough times would make it true.
    “Why won’t you help me get out of here?”
    “Just sit and talk to me for a minute.” Will sat at the table and nodded to the chair opposite from him.
    Veronica sank into it. “How long ago did she die?”
    “A couple a years now. I never seen him so over the moon for a girl before. And when that baby was comin’, I never seen him so happy. Usually he was all business about the ranch. Didn’t have time to bother with no woman, even when we suggested he settle down to take a little of the load off us. You know what with the cookin’ and basic homestead stuff. That’s why I don’t think he’ll hurt you, no matter how he got you here. You remind him of her. He never coulda hurt her.”
    “And that could be a bad thing. What if he snaps and hurts me because he can’t stand to look at me anymore? Sooner or later he’ll realize that I’m not her. All I can be is a painful reminder.”
    “He knows you ain’t her.”
    “Are you sure about that? Because last night, he didn’t.”
    The ranch hand looked like he might waver, but then the kitchen door opened, and Luke walked in.
    “Will, you taking a break?”
    Will raised his thermos. “Just came for the coffee. It’s too close to breakfast for a break.”
    “That’s what I like to hear. Robert and Jake are bringing the new cattle in today. They got some good deals at the auction.”
    The ranch hand took one last uncertain look at Veronica and Luke, then he headed out the door back to his work.
    When they were alone, Luke crossed his arms over his chest. “Why haven’t you started breakfast?”
    “I-I was about to.”
    He sighed and sat at the table across from her. “I’m sorry I scared you last night. I don’t know what came over me.”
    “You thought I was her.”
    “I got lost inside my head for a minute. I know you’re not her.”
    “But you wish I was.”
    “Do you want me to lie, Ronnie? I took you because you look like her. You know that. I’m sorry I lost control last night and that I

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