Accelerated Passion

Free Accelerated Passion by Lily Harlem

Book: Accelerated Passion by Lily Harlem Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Harlem
across his back, tight over his shoulder blades and fitted around his waist. It was untucked, and his casual jeans hung low on his hips. His feet were bare.
    She followed him in then stopped in the middle of the room.
    He was staring out of the window, arms folded.
    “Did you want something?” she asked, studying the way his hair was cut short and neat at his nape.
    “I don’t tell many people about Henri.”
    “Okay.” Did he think she’d go to the press? Jesus. As if!
    “Your secret is safe with me.”
    He faced her. “It’s not a massive secret. I just don’t advertise it. It’s best for Henri and his mother and his stepfather that way.”
    “Whatever you think. It’s not my business.” She pushed her hands into the front pockets of her loose work trousers.
    He tipped his head and studied her. “You’re on my team. Hell, you’re one of the most senior members of the team. I have no problem with you knowing more about my personal life.”
    “You mean other than what’s splashed around the papers and the gossip mags?”
    “Don’t believe everything you read.” He kind of smirked.
    “I don’t. But some of it’s true.”
    “Sure. But they sensationalize everything to sell papers.” He shrugged and unfolded his arms. “I get that, and…well, I’ve had my fun in the past.”
    “But not anymore.”
    “Not so much and definitely not here. Hockenheim is all about spending time with my boy, well, as much as work and Bridget will allow.”
    “Bridget. Is that his mother?”
    “Yes.” He shook his head. “We had a one-night-stand, six years ago. Henri is the result. Stupid to be so careless, but now…” He paused. “One of the best things I ever did.”
    Frankie said nothing, waited for him to continue.
    “There’s no question he’s mine. Been a feisty little character from the beginning and even has my nose.” He ran his index finger over the bridge of his nose. “And my eyes.”
    Frankie smiled. “A mini-me.”
    He chuckled. “Yeah, you could say that.”
    “You got a picture?”
    “Sure.” He quickly reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He stepped up to her and flipped it open.
    A small photograph of a young boy with jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes smiled at the camera. He wore what looked like a green school uniform complete with a little tie.
    “Yes, he does look like you.” She breathed deep, enjoying the scent of Dean’s aftershave. “He’ll be a heartbreaker when he’s older.”
    Fuck. Why had she said that ?
    Dean laughed and shut the wallet. He stayed close. “He has dreams of becoming a vet. He’s animal-crazy. I guess he gets that from his mother.”
    “She’s married again then? You said Henri has a stepfather.”
    “Yes, she married her high school sweetheart and has two more younger children.” He shrugged. “I have no illusions about it.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I was nothing more than a romp in the sack, a night of fun to her. Something she could tell her mates about. She’d gotten off with Dean Cudditch.” He shook his head. “But then Henri turned up, and that’s tied us to each other forever.”
    “But you get on okay, I’m guessing, if you can organize to have days out with him when you’re in town?”
    “Sure, she’s a decent human being, though a bit uptight, and an awesome mother. She wants what’s right for Henri, and so do I.”
    “And that’s to know who his real father is.”
    “Exactly.” He stepped away, back to the window, and appeared to study the horizon. “Of course, I’m a pretty crap father when push comes to shove.”
    “What do you mean?”
    His shoulders slumped slightly. “My job doesn’t allow for me to be around for the school run or for Saturday morning football training. Or even for being there on birthdays and Christmas. Not that I don’t spoil him on those special days, I do, it’s just, well, presents come through the mail as a general

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