Hay and Heartbreak

Free Hay and Heartbreak by Bailey Bradford

Book: Hay and Heartbreak by Bailey Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bailey Bradford
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
black of his pupils. “Yes,” he whispered.
    “I want you,” Hector said, going with a blunt statement so Dan wouldn’t misunderstand. “I’m not going to fuck you up against the door so that everyone in this bunkhouse hears what’s going on, though, and that’s what I almost did. You just—you’re damned sexy, that’s all there is to it.”
    “Me?” Dan blinked and looked right at him then. Then Dan reached up as if to touch the scar on his cheek.
    “Yeah, those are there,” Hector acknowledged. “And there’s this.” He caressed Dan’s jaw, the firm, angular shape of it perfect in Hector’s opinion, just what a man’s should be like. There was no hint of stubble. Dan had cleaned up right nice for him.
    Dan was frowning at him now. “This what?”
    “I like a strong jawline on a man,” Hector explained. “And the way your chin has that little dip in the middle.”
    “A butt chin,” Dan grumbled.
    Hector laughed before he could stop himself. “Now come on, it doesn’t look like any butt I ever seen.” He kept his gaze locked with Dan’s as he dipped his head and licked over the little divot.
    Dan’s breath hitched and he trembled.
    Hector liked that reaction, a lot. No one had ever responded so fully and openly to him before, so earnestly. “I like the way you don’t hold back. I can see how much you enjoy what we’re doing together.” He ran his hand down Dan’s chest, over one hard point of nipple, then further still. Dan sucked his lean belly in as Hector touched it. “God, I like touching you.” Finally, he cupped Dan’s cock through his jeans. The man might be thin, but he was packing a substantial bulge.
    Dan thumped his head against the door but was silent otherwise. He watched Hector with a heavy-lidded stare.
    Hector gently squeezed his cock. “Riding with this is gonna be uncomfortable.”
    Dan’s Adam’s apple bobbed, but he didn’t say a word.
    Hector debated going down on Dan right there. Only the knowledge that they’d be heard stopped him. He didn’t want to share any of the sounds Dan might make with the others, not the first time they were together, at least. Plus, he didn’t want to treat Dan like a nameless hook up.
    Dan was going to be around for a couple of weeks still. If he was interested in having a fling with Hector, then that was what they’d do, and Hector wouldn’t start it off putting on a show for the guys in the bunkhouse, even one that was only heard. Hector intended to have Dan screaming his name.
    Hector massaged Dan’s cock again, and leaned in to whisper in his ear. “I’ll take care of this when it’s me and you, alone, in a field of sweet green grass and sunshine.” Hector was glad he’d finished up his work early, so they had time to enjoy the warmth and outdoors.
    “Oh.” Dan sighed. He nuzzled against Hector’s cheek. “That…that sounds better than having everyone listening in.”
    Hector licked Dan’s earlobe then suckled it before stepping back. “Yeah, and I imagine Frankie would be over here banging on the door if he got the chance. Duke might even get out of bed and join him.”
    Dan shook his head. “Nah, he— It’s not like he’d be thinking to protect my virtue. I’m twenty-eight, not a kid.”
    Hector had actually thought Dan was older in some ways, younger in others. The man was a mysterious mixture of naivety and seriousness. “Well, you’re almost up there with me. Trust me, once you hit thirty, things change up here.” Hector tapped his head. “Either that, or being around the people here is making me grow up despite myself.” He winked at Dan.
    Dan gave him that bare hint of a smile that made Hector long to hear him laugh.
    “Have you got a hat?” Hector asked him. “I mean a cowboy hat.”
    “No. Not even a ball cap,” Dan replied, running a hand through his thick hair. It was a little longer than Hector’s, and looked like it’d be wavy if Dan kept letting it grow.
    Hector could picture Dan

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