The Heart Of A Gypsy

Free The Heart Of A Gypsy by Roberta Kagan

Book: The Heart Of A Gypsy by Roberta Kagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roberta Kagan
We are all that is left of our kumpania . The rest were taken. We happened to be in the forest gathering berries when the SS came, and so we are alive.  But our Romany customs are very important to us, and it is customary for Rom to marry Rom . We do not stray from this. Do you understand? Nadya and I have lost a great deal, and because of this it is even more crucial that we do not lose our way of life.  Right now our parents and siblings are prisoners in Auschwitz. There is no possible marriage between you and my sister.”
    “That is terrible.” Christian could see that Ion was trying to gently discourage his attraction to Nadya, but it was too late for that. Christian knew that he must find a way to convince Ion that he would be the best husband for Nadya.
    “So, am I making myself clear?” Ion asked.
    “I understand you,” Christian said, but he would not agree to giving up on Nadya.
    “It’s good that you can see what I am trying to tell you about my sister.  Anyway, from what I hear, there is a doctor at the camp called Auschwitz who is obsessed with torturing gypsy children. Mengele is his name. We have been planning to raid Auschwitz and rescue the children,” Ion said. “We will need your help. That is, of course, if you are willing.”
    “Yes, I am willing. But this man is obsessed with torturing children? Why? How? In what way?”
    “Oh, in a very German way… He is a sadist. He operates on children to make them suffer. Takes their bodies apart and puts dyes into their eyes, blinding them. From what I hear, he insists that they call him ‘uncle’ and gives them candy, then straps them down and cuts them up. Most of the time, he doesn’t even use anesthesia.” 
    Christian winced. He was so stunned that he could find no words to answer Ion. The Nazis never ceased to astonish him. Just when he thought that he knew the extent of their depravity, he made an even more gruesome discovery. “I will help you. Together we will make a plan. We will rescue the children and your family,” Christian said.
    Ion could not help but like this man. It was true… Just as the Shera Rom said, Christian had the face of a German, but the heart of a gypsy. Until now, the Resistance fighters had been concerned with how they might enter Auschwitz. They had been able to carry out small attacks, but it was a huge camp, filled with Nazis, guards, officers, doctors. Someone would surely recognize that they were Jews and gypsies. Most members of the resistance had olive skin, and dark hair and eyes.  Perhaps, Ion thought, Christian would be convincing enough with his Aryan appearance to bring about the invasion of the concentration camp. Together they would make a plan.

Chapter 11
    Sitting around the campfire the following evening, Christian met Samuel, Nickoli and Jacob.  He watched as the women scurried around, serving a dinner of hedgehog baked in a pottery-type shell, with the stolen vegetables they had brought back from the farm when they’d raided several nights before.
    Ion came over and squatted beside Christian on the ground.
    Nadya brought plates filled with piping-hot food to Christian and Ion. Then, after she fed the puppy, she brought a plate to Hanzi and one for herself. She sat beside Ion and motioned to Hanzi that he must be quiet. “Shhh, the men are talking business here,” Nadya said as she smiled at the little boy.
    From across the fire, Tobar glared at Christian with anger.
    They ate gypsy-style, with their fingers
    “It tastes better when you eat with your fingers, yes?” Ion nudged Christians shoulder.
    “I must say that it is different, but I like it,” his smile was engaging. “Tell me a little more about the operation that is to take place, the one you have asked for me to participate in. I’m sure that you understand that if I am to risk my life, I want to know the details,” Christian said.
    “Of course, and we know enough about you to trust you. So here it is. We help families to

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