True Navy Blue: SEAL Brotherhood, True Blue SEALs Series Premiere

Free True Navy Blue: SEAL Brotherhood, True Blue SEALs Series Premiere by Sharon Hamilton

Book: True Navy Blue: SEAL Brotherhood, True Blue SEALs Series Premiere by Sharon Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Hamilton
Tags: Romance, Military, SEALs
the police.
    Eventually, she was talked out. The stress of the day had taken a toll on her body. “You’re staying over, right, Dad? That couch makes up.”
    “I’ll be fine. I can sleep anywhere.”
    “Except you’re going to sleep here, in my living room. And then I’ll make you coffee and breakfast in the morning. Maybe then you can check with some of your friends down at SFPD.”
    “Not much I can do tonight. You should check with building security before you turn in, Amy,” Dobson added.
    Amy did so, and was told no further incidences were recorded anywhere in the complex. She informed them she would not be holding the office open on Sunday and asked them if they’d heard from the building owners. They indicated they had not. She told them she’d been cooperating with police.
    She left a message for the building management offices, who usually did not work weekends, informing them of the closed sales office.
    After getting her dad situated with a blanket and pillow, she closed the door to her bedroom and climbed into bed. Her body ached. Laying her head against the pillow, she noticed her neck hurt, and her jaw felt like she’d been chewing down on something hard all day. Just before she closed her eyes, her phone beeped.
    The monitor flashed a message:
    ‘Taking an early flight to SFO. See you tomorrow. Zak.’
    She texted back a smilie face, then added a heart emoticon. She’d just fallen to sleep when she heard the ping of her phone again. Zak had sent a heart as well.

Chapter 11
    Z ak raced through the San Francisco terminal, down the escalators and out past the baggage claim. He hiked the black nylon duffel on his shoulders and exited to the taxi stand, got in line and gave directions to the cab coordinator. Checking the driver’s name badge swinging from the passenger window sunscreen, he noticed the gentleman’s name was Addis.
    “Why you want to go back down there?” Addis said as his eyes wildly searched him over the top of the driver’s seat. “You hear about the news?”
    “Yes. Is it still a mess there?”
    “Oh, no. All quiet now. But I’ve been telling people to go someplace else. Pier 39, Fisherman’s Wharf. Some other place. Not there.”
    “I’m meeting someone there.”
    The cabbie grunted. He swerved into the fast lane and joined the slow ribbon of steel heading into the City, several charms and a necklace hooked over the rear view mirror, flapping in the breeze of his open window. He spoke on the radio in a dialect Zak didn’t understand.
    He’d texted Amy that he’d landed and was on his way. It was past nine o’clock, much later than he’d expected. Now he was stuck in traffic.
    “Plane was late. So much traffic,” he said to the cabbie.
    Addis rolled his head and then barked back, “No! Worse earlier. This is much better. Always like this on the weekend except real early. Worse on the work days. Sunshine, clouds, shootings—everyone wants to come to San Francisco today. Nuts. All peoples are nuts.”
    Zak was inclined to agree.
    “So no word on the other shooter?”
    Addis laughed. “He look like me!” He continued to chuckle, his eyes getting wide, giving a grin showing off all his stark white teeth. “But trust me, I don’t know the guy. From the pictures they have, I don’t know anything about him. Looks like one of thousands of peoples who live here.”
    Zak watched the slowly moving landscape and other passengers in vehicles. This highway had the same numbers of Mercedes as the San Diego area had. Traffic was just as bad, too.
    “They’re saying he was a terrorist,” Zak said.
    “Who knows? Somebody unhoppy. All sorts of peoples unhoppy all the time. Too many.” After a pause, the cabbie looked in his rear view mirror at Zak. “You police man?”
    “What you do here?”
    “I’m not part of the investigation. Here to visit a friend, that’s all. Visiting a—a—girlfriend.”
    “Okay. Well, do her a favor and take her away

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