Drive: Cougars, Cars and Kink, Book 1
    “On the bed, now. Shirt off.”
    It gratified his domly black heart to see how quickly yet gracefully she scrambled to obey. She might have been away from BDSM for decades, but gleeful submission was definitely in her nature.
    And then he stopped analyzing. It was hard to turn off that part of his brain but when she was spread before him on that ugly pullout bed, long legs parted wide, her slick pussy glistening and swollen, and a silver ring ornamented with a green ball marking his target, everything switched off that wasn’t directly related to her or to sex. Even the throbbing of his dick took second place to the need to taste Suzanne.
    He knelt down on the bed between her legs and for a second, just studied her. Beautiful, and maybe he’d been saying that word a lot to himself since he’d met her—was it really only this morning?—but he couldn’t think of a better one. Maybe gorgeous , maybe hot and sexy , but beautiful worked.
    Her legs were parted wide, knees bent, and her pussy was already exposed, but he put one thumb on each of her outer labia and opened her wider. Her cunt contracted, clenching as if his gaze caressed her. Oh yeah, she was a live one.
    She whimpered, no words in it, not even a plea. The sound was so soft he might have missed it, as if all her energy was centered between her legs, with little to spare for anything else. He glided his thumbs up and down, stroking along her pussy lips until she was mewling. He ended with his thumbs at the top, near her mound, pulling back so that pretty clit stood proud. “That ring is super-sexy,” he said, “and it makes a great target for my tongue.”
    Then he lowered himself to his belly and let himself, at last, taste Suzanne Mayhew’s musky juices.
    Suzanne was overwhelmed even before Neil touched her sex. The spanking’s pain and the pleasure had awakened a raucous need. And then when he demanded to taste her, in that rough working-class voice…
    Frank had gone down on her, though not in the last few years of their marriage. He’d been good at it, for that matter, as he tended to be at anything that meant something to him. But never enthusiastic, never like he was doing it for himself as well as for her. It was a means to an end for him. Neil was different. She could tell by his voice, the need in it… He wanted to do this because it was something he craved, maybe a kind of power in its own right, not so she’d be ready to fuck him. Any idiot could tell she was ready to fuck again about ten minutes ago.
    Neil opened her and for what seemed like years, just studied her.
    She felt like a lab specimen, a bug on a pin.
    Suzanne rather liked feeling that way, at least here and now, with Neil the one who was scrutinizing her.
    Not like she wasn’t watching him too. He’d never gotten undressed for their earlier sex, but once the food arrived, he’d stripped down to boxers and she was definitely enjoying the view. He was Irish fair, with a dusting of freckles on one shoulder and a fuzz of brown hair decorating his chest. The way he knelt showed off the long muscles of his thighs. No piercings, no tats, just muscle and skin, like he was sculpted from warm marble. She started to reach out her hands to stroke that tempting flesh, but he shook his head. “Not yet,” he whispered.
    Then he changed position, ending up on his belly.
    Good Lord, his hot mouth closed on her clit. His tongue swirled, paying special attention to her piercing. It was indescribably intense. Not painful at all, not necessarily even more sensitive…just so very different than anything she’d ever experienced before, with that little piece of metal focusing her attention on her clit. Not like she could think about much of anything else anyway at the moment, but the slight pressure of the piercing accentuated how he played her.
    When he caught the ring between his teeth and gave it a gentle, calculated tug, she thought she was going to fly through the roof. As

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