
Free Modelland by Tyra Banks

Book: Modelland by Tyra Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tyra Banks
    “The Day of Discovery is less than one sunset away,” the BellaDonna went on. “And so, the time has come to present to you this year’s newly minted 7Seven. This is a glimpse at what your future might be,
you are so lucky,
you are so divine,
you’re one of the most special girls in the world! Each and every girl on the planet has a chance to be one of the enlightened. Could it be you?”
    “Yes!” Myrracle screamed, jumping up and down in the parking lot.
    Clouds swirled in the sky. Lightning bolts danced and snapped. “In a moment you will lay your eyes upon this year’s graduating class of Modelland,” the grand voice explained. “As you all know, only seven girls graduate from Modelland each year, and those talented seven join the ranks of the only famous people, known throughout the world. The Intoxibellas.”
. The word sent an uncomfortable shiver up Tookie’s spine. They were so dazzling, so enchanting, so beautiful, so influential and magical that they were simply, well … intoxicating.
    The voice grew louder and louder. “Without further ado, I present the Stunning, Statuesque, Strobotronic Stars with Stupefying Stratospheric Struts! The 7Seven! Please worship them as the Intoxibellas they have now become!”
    A swirl of smoke and blue fire swept around the bottom of the mountain and spiraled to the top. As it traveled, the swirl revealed a translucent three-dimensional image of a copper-haired girl with copper-colored eyes. Around her waist flapped her Sentura, thebelt made of shimmering gold fabric that all the Intoxibellas wore. According to Modelland lore, Senturas allowed Intoxibellas to activate their inherent power. Young girls all over the world wore replicas of them as part of costumes and dress-up games. Even Tookie had, when she was ten years old.
    “Feast your eyes upon … Evanjalinda!” the BellaDonna said over the cheering crowd.
    The image of Evanjalinda expanded from the fiery bottom of the mountain to the misty top. The luminescent eye hovered above her head like a golden crown.
    “Evanjalinda’s power? Chameeleoné!” the BellaDonna explained. And then Evanjalinda’s appearance changed a dozen times over the course of a few seconds—long hair, short hair, copper-colored, blond, brunette. Almond-shaped eyes, then doe-eyed. Plump lips. Bow-shaped. Her physique morphed too, from a thin frame kissed by an hourglass to one with defined musculature. Then Evanjalinda shook like a dog removing water from its coat and her copper hair and eyes returned, as did her original frame.
    “If I had her, I’d have a different girl every night!” a man next to Tookie cried. “I could stop cheating!”
    “I want to be just like all of her!” a girl exclaimed.
    The BellaDonna’s voice filled the air again. “Next, meet Simone!” The image of Evanjalinda shrank and the swirl of smoke and blue fire climbed up the mountain again, revealing another newly minted Intoxibella. This girl’s hair was slicked into a chic chignon and her eyes were a piercing ink-black. “Simone’s power? Multiplicity!”
    Simone raised her arms and swept them gracefully throughthe air. Two identical Simones slid out from either side of her body, sending a chorus of oohs through the crowd. Each Simone made a unique pose before being sucked back into the original Simone. The spectators applauded thunderously, overcome with excitement. Tears of joy rolled down some of their cheeks.
    Tookie felt a shiver. This was the first time she had ever seen the Intoxibella ceremony in person. And it was even more magical than she’d ever imagined.
    “Our third Intoxibella … Bev Jo!” the BellaDonna roared. A raven-haired Intoxibella with sky-high cheekbones and a sharp jawline appeared above the crowd. “Bev Jo’s power? ThirtyNever. When Bev Jo ages to twenty-nine, she will begin her next year looking again like she is seventeen until she reaches twenty-nine again. That cycle

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