Wilde Ride
store and buy myself some wine and beer (not sure what the girls will be drinking). I prefer wine over beer, but I really want to fit into the whole biker image for Ryder. I grab the beer he wants and head to the checkout.
    Then I go to the grocery store and load up on chips, dip and finger foods. I have never thrown a party before, so I want it to be good. I get a bunch of fruit to cut up and everything. I hope that will be good.
    I pull up to my apartment and look at the door as a shiver goes through my body. All of a sudden, a knocking on my window makes me jump and scream. As I turn my head, I see it is Ryder with a weary smile on his lips. Then the door flies open.
    “Jesus babe, are you ok?”
    “Yeah, you just scared the crap out of me.”
    He is pulling me out of the car and into his arms. I love it like this. He definitely knows how to comfort and care for me.
    “It’s okay. Nothin’ will hurt you, I promise,” he coos in my ear, while smoothing my hair with his hand.
    “I don’t know who you are trying to convince Ryder, but I am G.I. Jane; nothing scares me,” I state, clasping my hand over my mouth.
    Oh fuck, what was I thinking saying that out loud? Now he is going to leave and never want to be with me again. He is probably thinking that I am a fucking weirdo. Ryder lets me go and throws his head back and bursts out laughing so hard that I am shaking with him.
    “G.I. Jane?” He asks, laughing out loud again.
    “It’s not funny. You can go now,” I tell him. I can feel the heat in my face from embarrassment.
    “What are you talkin’ about Ella? I’m not leaving.”
    “Why would you want to be with a freak like me, who calls herself G.I. Jane?” I ask.
    Ryder put his two hands on my shoulder and looks me right in the eyes and says, “Ella I’m not going anywhere. Ever. Don’t ever think that. You are the only girl that can call herself G.I. Jane and look so fuckin’ sexy that it makes my dick hurt, it is so hard”
    “Let’s get what you need and go home. Maybe we can have a little fun while we wait for the guys to show up,” he suggests.
    “I’ll hurry.” I grab his hand and haul him to the door, while he is chuckling.
    I pack a few outfits that I think are cute and sexy, hoping Ryder will want to rip them off me later.
    We take off for his place. Once we get there, Ryder says, “You go on in and I will bring in the stuff.”
    “Okay. Thank you,” I say.
    “No prob babe.”
    While Ryder is bringing in the groceries and beer, I go into the bedroom and hang up my outfits. When I come back out Ryder is bringing in the last of our stuff.
    “Jesus babe, did you buy the whole fucking store?” he asks, with amusement on his face.
    “No, but I have to make some finger food and I thought some cut up fruit would be nice too.”
    “Babe, we’re a bunch of guys. We don’t give a fuck what we have; as long as we have a beer, we’re good to go.”
    “I will just do the wings and chips then.”
    “Sounds good, sexy. I’m gonna take a shower,” he says, as he rounds the corner going towards the bathroom. Oh how I would love to join him. You can so do it. Go for it. By the time I get to the bathroom the water is being shut off and he is getting out with only a towel wrapped around his sexy body.
    “Hey,” he says, with desire and heat in his eyes.
    I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck and say, “Take me, Ryder.”
    With those words, his mouth smashes down on mine and the wetness in my panties is tripled. He pushes me back to the wall and his towel falls away. Wow, what a beautiful sight. I go to my knees, taking him in my hand and watch myself stroke his shaft. Then I bring him to my mouth and start sucking him hard and deep. He is gripping my hair in his fists thrusting harder and faster, when there is a loud knock on the door and bunch of loud men yelling and laughing.
    “Ryder, get out here and bring that sexy ass woman of yours out with

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