What is Hidden

Free What is Hidden by Lauren Skidmore

Book: What is Hidden by Lauren Skidmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Skidmore
again. For the rest of the evening, I want you back here, cleaning and polishing the silverware. I’m sure you can manage that without making eyes at anyone.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” I was too stunned to do anything but comply.
    * * *
    When the whole ordeal was over and I was finally dismissed, I collapsed into bed. After I finished with what felt like thousands of salad forks, dinner forks, soup spoons, butter knives, and goodness knew what else, I’d had to pitch in with the dishes. It was a relentless pile of plates, bowls, and trays. My fingers were wrinkled prunes, and my back and feet ached from standing in one place for so long, not to mention the exhaustion I felt from the tension of being watched all night. For someone who was supposed to be invisible, I felt I was as visible as the sun at noonday—especially when the opulent meal loosened the tight discipline of the so-called high-class gentlemen.
    It was too late to visit the laundry for blankets, but I was too tired to care. I quickly went through my nightly routine and applied the balm to my burn, which wasn’t hurting as badly anymore, though it still ached and wastender to the touch. Almost as soon as I had stripped down to my chemise and fell back on my bed, I heard a loud banging on my door. I stared at it curiously for a moment, wondering who on earth would be visiting me , and who would be visiting me at such a late hour. Then my heart started to race—what if I’d been discovered as a thief and a fraud and someone was here to turn me out on the streets?
    They knocked again, and as much as I wanted to wait them out with the hope they’d give up and go away, I knew if they didn’t confront me now, they’d simply do it in the kitchens in front of everyone.
    I picked up my mask from my nightstand and tied it securely before padding my way over to the door. I had no robe, but it was dark, and my chemise was thick enough that it wasn’t like they’d be able to see anything. Maybe it was one of the other servers or Vera, coming to tell me how awful I had been today and that I needed to pack my (nonexistent) bags immediately.
    Cautiously, I pulled open the door and peeked out. There, standing in the dim, flickering light, was Aiden.
    Completely forgetting myself at the joy of seeing a familiar face, I yanked open the door and ran to throw my arms around him, crying his name.
    Aiden seemed to have a similar idea and pulled me tightly to his body in a one-armed hug, the other arm carefully holding a lantern.
    “I thought you were dead,” he whispered. “Everyone was talking about the fire at your place. What happened to you? And why are you here , of all places?”
    I didn’t want to let go of him, even for a moment. To have something familiar after all this upheaval was beyondwords. I rubbed my nose against the fabric of his shirt, breathing in his scent.
    “We were attacked. There was a fire. I had to hide.” I could only speak in short, simple sentences, too distracted by how happy I was to see someone I knew, to see him .
    “But why ?” he pressed.
    I shook my head against his neck. “I can’t tell you everything. Just trust me that I have to hide right now.”
    Speaking of which . . .
    “How on earth did you find me?” I had to pull back to look in his eyes, absolutely astonished that he’d tracked me down here.
    His eyes tightened. “I had to find you. Can you just trust me? You know I’ve always been able to find anyone . . .” he trailed off. “Of course I would find you.”
    I looked down, suddenly shy with the tension that had built between us. Then I realized how inappropriately dressed I was and flew away from him, hiding behind my door.
    “Sorry! I didn’t even realize . . . I was just so happy to see you,” I babbled incoherently, shutting the door most of the way so I could find something to cover myself with.
    “I’m glad to hear that.” He chuckled. “I’m just so happy you’re alive right now. Please don’t

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